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Like a fish in water: Habitus adaptation mechanisms of informal tourism entrepreneurs in Thailand
Annals of Tourism Research ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2021.103262
Erdinç Çakmak , Rico Lie , Tom Selwyn , Cees Leeuwis

This article investigates possible pathways of habitus change by informal tourism entrepreneurs in Thailand. Bourdieu's concept of habitus is depicted as a person's understanding of the world. Do people adapt their worldview in response to only external stimuli? Through ethnographic fieldwork including participant observations and active semi-structured interviews with 53 participants, this paper identifies a classification of four modes of habitus adaptation: (1) Understanding and appreciating the field and its conditions, (2) Challenging core beliefs systems, (3) Applying a practical sense to ‘objective possibilities’, and, (4) Challenging non-reflective dispositions. We argue that charting the modes of habitus adaptation could help policymakers understand the change processes of informal entrepreneurs in the tourism sector and their willingness to change.



本文调查了泰国非正式旅游企业家改变习惯的可能途径。布迪厄的惯习概念被描述为一个人对世界的理解。人们是否仅根据外部刺激来调整他们的世界观?通过包括参与观察和对 53 名参与者的主动半结构化访谈在内的民族志田野调查,本文确定了习惯适应的四种模式的分类:(1)理解和欣赏该领域及其条件,(2)挑战核心信念系统,(3 ) 将实际意义应用于“客观可能性”,以及 (4) 具有挑战性的非反思性倾向。
