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Investigation of the Environmental Dependence of Galaxy Age in the CMASS Galaxy Sample of SDSS DR12
Astrophysics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10511-021-09676-1
Xin-FA Deng

In this study, I investigate the environmental dependence of galaxy age in the CMASS sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12 (SDSS DR12). It is found that galaxy age is very weakly correlated with the local environment. Considering the weak stellar mass-density relation of CMASS galaxies, it has been suggested that it is likely a combination of a strong age-stellar mass relation and a weak stellar mass-density relation.


SDSS DR12 CMASS星系样本星系年龄环境依赖性研究

在这项研究中,我调查了斯隆数字巡天数据第 12 版 (SDSS DR12) CMASS 样本中星系年龄的环境依赖性。发现星系年龄与当地环境的相关性非常弱。考虑到CMASS星系的弱恒星质量-密度关系,有人认为它可能是强年龄-恒星质量关系和弱恒星质量-密度关系的组合。
