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Chile’s enduring educational segregation: A trend unchanged by different cycles of reform
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3746
Gabriel Gutiérrez 1 , Alejandro Carrasco 2

Socioeconomic segregation continues to be a central issue for education systems in which market-driven reforms have been implemented. This study analyses trends of socioeconomic segregation in Chile (1999–2018), considering a period with an absence of policies aimed at reducing segregation (1999–2007) and a later stage (2008–2015) when measures were implemented with the potential to affect the socioeconomic composition of schools. Results show that the segregation of both disadvantaged and wealthy students increased to extremely high levels during the first period, and has not shown signs of any significant decrease since then. The slight reduction observed in the second period is associated with changes regarding school fees in the private subsidised education sector rather than the selectivity status of the schools. The challenges faced in fostering greater socioeconomic integration within a market-driven educational system are discussed in this article.



社会经济隔离仍然是实施市场驱动改革的教育系统的核心问题。本研究分析了智利(1999-2018 年)社会经济隔离的趋势,考虑到一个时期(1999-2007 年)缺乏旨在减少隔离的政策,以及实施可能影响的措施的后期(2008-2015 年)学校的社会经济构成。结果表明,在第一阶段,弱势学生和富裕学生的隔离程度都提高到了极高的水平,此后没有出现任何显着下降的迹象。在第二阶段观察到的轻微下降与私立资助教育部门的学费变化有关,而不是与学校的选择性状况有关。