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Leibniz’s Doctrine of Reincarnation as Metamorphosis
Sophia ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11841-020-00806-4
Nikolai Lossky , Frédéric Tremblay

The Russian philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky (1870–1965) considered himself a Leibnizian of sorts. He accepted parts of Leibniz’s doctrine of monads, although he preferred to call them ‘substantival agents’ and rejected the thesis that they have neither doors nor windows. In Lossky’s own doctrine, monads have existed since the beginning of time, they are immortal, and can evolve or devolve depending on the goodness or badness of their behavior. Such evolution requires the possibility for monads to reincarnate into the bodies of creatures of a higher level on the scala perfectionis . According to this theory, a monad can evolve by being progressively reincarnated multiple times through a sort of process of metamorphosis from the level of the most elementary particles all the way up to the level of human beings or even higher. Lossky argues that the works of Leibniz contain scattered elements of such a systematic doctrine of reincarnation. He attempts to reconstitute this doctrine in an article that appeared both in Russian and German in 1931. The Russian version, ‘Ученiе Лейбница о перевоплощенiи какъ метаморфозѣ’ (‘Uchenie Lejbnica o perevoploshhenii kak metamorfoze’), was published in the Сборникъ Русскаго института въ Праг ѣ ( Sbornik Russkago instituta v Pragě ), vol. 2, 1931, pp. 77–88. The German version appeared under the title ‘Leibniz’ Lehre von der Reinkarnation als Metamorphose,’ in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie , vol. 40, n. 2, 1931, pp. 214–226. The content of the Russian and German versions is roughly the same, except for the omission, in the German version, of a mention of David Hume in the second sentence and of one paragraph and a half at the end of the article. The following is a translation of this article. I translated the text from the Russian version, which was in all appearances written first, but I also took the German version into account. The original pagination is added in angle brackets. Angle brackets are used wherever the additions are mine. — Frédéric Tremblay



俄罗斯哲学家 Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky (1870-1965) 认为自己是某种莱布尼茨主义者。他接受了莱布尼茨关于单子的部分学说,尽管他更喜欢称它们为“实体代理”,并拒绝了它们既没有门也没有窗的论点。在洛斯基自己的学说中,单子从一开始就存在,它们是不朽的,可以根据其行为的好坏而进化或退化。这样的进化需要单子有可能转世到完美梯级上更高级别的生物的身体中。按照这个理论,一个单子可以通过从最基本的粒子到人类甚至更高的一个变态过程,通过多次渐进式的轮回而进化出来。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 洛斯基认为,莱布尼茨的著作包含了这种系统化的轮回教义的零散元素。他尝试了一篇文章,在俄罗斯和德国在1931年出现了两个版本的俄罗斯在重建这一学说,“УченiеЛейбницаоперевоплощенiикакъметаморфозѣ”(“Uchenie LejbnicaØperevoploshhenii珏metamorfoze”),发表在СборникъРусскагоинститутавъ Праг ѣ ( Sbornik Russkago instituta v Pragě ), vol. 2,1931 年,第 77-88 页。德文版以“莱布尼茨”Lehre von der Reinkarnation als Metamorphose 为标题出现在Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie vol. 2 中。40,名词。2,1931 年,第 214-226 页。俄文版和德文版的内容大致相同,只是有遗漏,在德文版中,在第二句中提到大卫·休谟,在文章末尾提到了一段半。以下是这篇文章的翻译。我翻译了俄文版本的文本,在所有的情况下都是先写的,但我也考虑了德文版本。原始分页添加在尖括号中。在我添加的任何地方都使用尖括号。— 弗雷德里克·特伦布莱