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Kierkegaard’s Divine Distractions
Sophia ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11841-020-00805-5
David Wisdo

In his discourse The Glory of Being Human, Kierkegaard dons his spiritual therapist hat not only to help us recognize the futility of worldly ways of distraction but also to appreciate other more stable and edifying kinds of diversions which he calls ‘divine distractions,’ for instance, contemplating the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. Although the discourse The Glory of Being Human was published in 1847, two years before The Sickness Unto Death, Kierkegaard introduces in an edifying fashion some of the main themes developed by Anti-Climacus in the later pseudonymous work published in 1849. So as his angst-ridden reader finally settles down to find edifying distraction in reading this discourse, he will soon discover that the cure for his anxiety cannot be found in escaping from the self in worldly aesthetic distractions, but rather by attending to ‘divine distractions’ in a life of worship and work before God.



在他的演讲《人类的荣耀》中,克尔凯郭尔戴上他的精神治疗师帽子,不仅帮助我们认识到世俗的分心方式是徒劳的,而且还可以欣赏其他更稳定和有启发性的消遣,例如,他称之为“神圣的分心” ,观望田野百合和空中飞鸟。尽管《人类的荣耀》发表于 1847 年,比《致死之病》早两年,克尔凯郭尔在 1849 年出版的后来的化名作品中以启发性的方式介绍了 Anti-Climacus 发展的一些主要主题。因此,当他焦虑不安的读者最终安顿下来以在阅读这篇论述时找到启发性的注意力时,他很快就会发现治愈他焦虑的方法不是在世俗的审美干扰中逃避自我,而是通过在敬拜和在上帝面前工作的生活中注意“神圣的干扰”。
