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High functional redundancy drives vegetation recovery in Campo rupestre affected by wildfires
Flora ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2021.151866
Thiago Araújo , Abel Augusto Conceição

High heterogeneity of the floristic component and rapid post-burn vegetation recovery have been reported for Campo rupestre, an azonal peinobiome characterized by a fire-prone vegetation establishing on nutrient-impoverished soils. Although these two key conditions are already known for Campo rupestre, the relationship between them still poorly understood. To test whether floristic composition influences the pattern of post-fire regeneration, we monitored the vegetation recovery of three floristically dissimilar Campo rupestre sites for two consecutive years following wildfires. For each site, we conducted species similarity ordination, rank-abundance distribution, divergence from species to life-form diversity analyses (with an index of diversity divergence) and plant cover in twenty 1 m × 1m plots (10 in burned and 10 in unburned patches). The plots were resampled every four months from December 2015 (one month after wildfire) to November 2017 (24 months after wildfire), totaling seven temporal measurements. We found that the burned grasslands tended to return to a pre-fire state that is similar to control plots that did not burn in 2015. However, each community presented different trajectories in floristic transitions and different degrees of species similarity in relation to an adjacent unburned area. Despite these floristic differences, the three sites reached similar plant cover measures in relation to the non-burned areas. No differences were found for life-form diversity and abundance distribution between communities, suggesting that the differences in floristic composition did not alter the abundance and diversity of functional groups. We conclude that, despite differences in the floristic component, there is high functional redundancy among Campo rupestre communities periodically exposed to wildfires, leading to a similar dynamic of plant recovery during post-fire regeneration.


高功能冗余推动了受野火影响的Campo rupestre 的植被恢复

已经报道了Campo rupestre的植物区系成分的高度异质性和快速的燃烧后植被恢复,这是一种非带状的peinobiome,其特征是在营养贫乏的土壤上建立了易发生火灾的植被。尽管这两个关键条件已经为Campo rupestre所知,但它们之间的关系仍然知之甚少。为了测试植物区系组成是否影响火灾后更新的模式,我们监测了三种植物区系不同的Campo rupestre的植被恢复野火后连续两年的站点。对于每个地点,我们在 20 个 1 m × 1m 样地(10 个燃烧区和 10 个未燃烧区)进行了物种相似性排序、等级丰度分布、从物种到生命形式的多样性分析(带有多样性差异指数)和植物覆盖。补丁)。从 2015 年 12 月(野火后 1 个月)到 2017 年 11 月(野火后 24 个月),每四个月对这些地块进行重新采样,总共进行了七次时间测量。我们发现,被烧毁的草原趋于恢复到火灾前的状态,类似于 2015 年没有燃烧的控制地块。 然而,每个群落在植物区系过渡方面表现出不同的轨迹,并且与相邻的未烧毁的草原之间的物种相似度不同。区域。尽管有这些植物区系差异,三个地点在非燃烧区达到了类似的植物覆盖措施。群落之间的生命形式多样性和丰度分布没有差异,表明植物区系组成的差异没有改变功能群的丰度和多样性。我们得出的结论是,尽管植物区系成分存在差异,但它们之间存在高度的功能冗余。Campo rupestre社区定期暴露在野火中,导致火灾后再生期间植物恢复的类似动态。
