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Understanding Literacy and Policy from a Classroom Teacher's Perspective
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1002/jaal.1167
Don Zancanella , Mary Frances Rice

We are so proud to be incoming co-editors of the literacy policy column for JAAL. We desire to open a forum that illuminates how policy functions in contemporary settings, especially in relation to literacy teaching and learning. Our experiences as teachers, teacher educators, and literacy scholars has taught us that knowledge about policy is powerful. Such knowledge can make one feel less like a victim of politicians and policy-makers and inspire advocacy. It can also help teachers work around and even resist uninformed and poorly-designed policies. During our tenure, we will strive present our observations in an interesting way--because one problem with learning about policy is that the writing about it is too often unnecessarily technical, legalistic, and down-right dull. This first column looks carefully at the shower of policies that rains down on a teacher, making a seemingly mundane request from peers a veritable deluge of policy decisions.



我们很荣幸成为 JAAL 扫盲政策专栏的新任联合编辑。我们希望开设一个论坛,阐明政策如何在当代环境中发挥作用,尤其是在扫盲教学和学习方面。我们作为教师、教师教育者和扫盲学者的经验告诉我们,政策知识是强大的。这种知识可以让人感觉不像是政治家和政策制定者的受害者,并激发了倡导。它还可以帮助教师解决甚至抵制不知情和设计不当的政策。在我们任职期间,我们将努力以一种有趣的方式展示我们的观察——因为学习政策的一个问题是,关于它的写作往往是不必要的技术性、法律性和彻头彻尾的乏味。