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News Feature: The complex case of Chesapeake Bay restoration [Sustainability Science]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2108734118
John Carey

On a warm October day, six researchers ventured out to a reef in Baines Creek, a tributary of Virginia’s Elizabeth River. Back in 2014, the Army Corps of Engineers had dumped tons of fossil oyster shells into the water in the hopes of attracting more of one of the key inhabitants of the Chesapeake Bay—oysters. Now the researchers, wearing masks and socially distancing as they wade through the water at low tide, are measuring the progress.


新闻特写:切萨皮克湾修复复杂案例 [可持续发展科学]

在温暖的十月一天,六名研究人员冒险前往弗吉尼亚伊丽莎白河的支流贝恩斯溪的一处珊瑚礁。早在 2014 年,陆军工程兵团就将大量牡蛎壳化石倾倒入水中,希望能吸引更多切萨皮克湾的主要居民之一——牡蛎。现在,研究人员戴着口罩,在退潮时涉水时保持社交距离,正在测量进展情况。