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A Case of Intergenerational Conflict: The 2015 Finnish Citizens’ Initiative on Pension Indexation
Journal of Aging & Social Policy ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-16 , DOI: 10.1080/08959420.2021.1935145
Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen 1 , Visa Rantanen 1


Pension reforms become more common in times of population aging. In 2015, a Finnish citizens’ initiative recommended increasing pension benefits. Opponents argued this may be at the cost of youths and middle-agers. We investigate the initiative from the viewpoint of intergenerational conflict. A mixed methods analysis reveals no conflict during the signature collection. It only became visible during the newspaper debate, when experts explained the reform effects. The parliament rejected the reform. Findings reveal a unique conflict dynamic in citizens’ initiatives: a reflected judgment gradually emerges during the public debate. Policymakers may use this insight to advance pension-related direct democracy.


代际冲突案例:2015 年芬兰公民养老金指数化倡议


养老金改革在人口老龄化时期变得更加普遍。2015 年,一项芬兰公民倡议建议增加养老金福利。反对者认为这可能是以青年和中年人为代价的。我们从代际冲突的角度调查该倡议。混合方法分析表明在签名收集期间没有冲突。它只是在报纸辩论期间变得可见,当时专家们解释了改革的影响。议会否决了这项改革。调查结果揭示了公民倡议中独特的冲突动态:在公开辩论中逐渐出现反映出来的判断。政策制定者可以利用这种洞察力来推进与养老金相关的直接民主。
