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Studies in the Novel Pub Date : 2021-06-16

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra is an Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research centers on African and Latin American literatures, with a focus on the intersection of large-scale comparative frameworks, such as the Global South, with local and regional specificities. Her first book, The Dictator Novel: Writers and Politics in the Global South, was published by Northwestern University Press in 2019.

Geneviève Brassard is Associate Professor of English at the University of Portland, Oregon, where she teaches British and women’s literatures, as well as introductory and writing courses for non-majors. Her publications include articles or chapters on Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, May Sinclair, Elizabeth Bowen, and Janet Flanner in Women Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal; Minerva: A Journal of Women and War; Women: A Cultural Review; and A Companion to Virginia Woolf.

Marie Lathers is Elizabeth M. and William C. Treuhaft Professor of Humanities in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Case Western Reserve University. She has published in the areas of French literature, American studies, and women’s studies. She is currently working in the area of children’s literature.

Robert Milder, Professor of English at Washington University in St. Louis, has published widely on American Renaissance subjects and is the author of Reimagining Thoreau (Cambridge, 1995), Exiled Royalties: Melville and the Life We Imagine (Oxford, 2006), and Hawthorne’s Habitations: A Literary Life (Oxford, 2013). He has recently been working on John Updike and Alice Munro.

Lauren Sirota is a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, focusing on nineteenth-century British literature, the novel, and narrative theory. Her current research centers on the legibility of character in the nineteenth-century novel, and how these novels explore formally and thematically the possibilities and limitations of reading others as texts.

Copyright © 2021 Johns Hopkins University Press and the University of North Texas ...




  • 贡献者

Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra 是宾夕法尼亚州立大学比较文学系的副教授。她的研究集中在非洲和拉丁美洲文学,重点是大规模比较框架(例如全球南方)与地方和区域特征的交叉。她的第一本书《独裁者小说:全球南方的作家与政治》于 2019 年由西北大学出版社出版。

Geneviève Brassard 是俄勒冈州波特兰大学的英语副教授,她在那里教授英国和女性文学,以及非专业的入门和写作课程。她的出版物包括关于 Jane Austen、Virginia Woolf、Edith Wharton、May Sinclair、Elizabeth Bowen 和 Janet Flanner 在《女性研究:跨学科期刊》中的文章或章节;密涅瓦:妇女与战争杂志女性:文化评论;和弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的伴侣

Marie Lathers 是凯斯西储大学现代语言和文学系的 Elizabeth M. 和 William C. Treuhaft 人文学科教授。她在法国文学、美国研究和妇女研究领域发表过文章。她目前从事儿童文学领域的工作。

圣路易斯华盛顿大学英语教授罗伯特·米尔德 (Robert Milder) 发表了大量有关美国文艺复兴时期主题的著作,并且着有《重新想象梭罗》(剑桥,1995 年)、《流放的版税:梅尔维尔和我们想象的生活》(牛津,2006 年)和霍桑的居所:文学生活(牛津,2013 年)。他最近一直在研究 John Updike 和 Alice Munro。

Lauren Sirota 是密歇根大学安娜堡分校的博士研究生,专注于 19 世纪英国文学、小说和叙事理论。她目前的研究集中在 19 世纪小说中人物的易读性,以及这些小说如何正式和主题地探索将他人作为文本阅读的可能性和局限性。

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