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Advanced modeling and mapping of severe pollution stress required for outdoor insulation coordination
Electrical Engineering ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s00202-021-01333-2
Evgeni Volpov , Pavel Kishcha

Severe pollution environment over the Israel Electric (IECo) Power Grid is created by synergy between Saharan dust and sea-salt aerosols (SSA) originated from the Mediterranean Sea. In the presence of high air humidity, the resultant pollution stress remains one of the major factors affecting operational reliability of ceramic insulators in the IECo Network. In respect with the severe polluted conditions, the outdoor insulation coordination requires detailed statistical studies and refined geographic mapping of the natural pollution deposit. This paper presents numeric maps of Sea-Salt Sedimentation Rate (SSSR) that was developed for the Eastern Mediterranean region including Israel. The paper demonstrates an adopted meteorological model, calculating algorithm and spatial–temporal characteristics of sea-salt aerosols within the considered domain. The acquired SSSR-Maps have been verified against the Equivalent Salt Deposit Density (ESDD) field-data and available ground-level measurements of SSA-concentrations. Good agreement was obtained between SSA model predictions and ground-based measurements on a daily and monthly basis. A case-study of a joint analysis of desertdust and sea-salt deposition along the selected overhead line was presented. The effect of the sea-salt deposit on the pollution flashover risk of ceramic insulators has been demonstrated. It is showed that the predicted ESDD-values might quite commensurate those ESDD-portions absorbed by desert dust. Hence, the contribution of sea-salt deposit cannot be neglected when evaluating pollution flashover risk for local outdoor insulators, especially in coastal areas. The study outcomes have demonstrated that the proposed SSA-modeling approach has sufficient meaningfulness to be implemented in practical tasks of outdoor insulation coordination and insulators dimensioning.



以色列电力 (IECo) 电网的严重污染环境是由撒哈拉尘埃和源自地中海的海盐气溶胶 (SSA) 协同作用造成的。在空气湿度高的情况下,由此产生的污染应力仍然是影响 IECo 网络中陶瓷绝缘子运行可靠性的主要因素之一。对于污染严重的情况,室外保温协调需要对自然污染沉积进行详细的统计研究和精细的地理测绘。本文介绍了为包括以色列在内的东地中海地区开发的海盐沉积率 (SSSR) 数值图。本文展示了所采用的气象模型、计算算法和所考虑域内海盐气溶胶的时空特征。获得的 SSSR-Map 已经根据等效盐沉积密度 (ESDD) 现场数据和可用的 SSA 浓度地面测量值进行了验证。SSA 模型预测与每天和每月的地面测量结果之间取得了良好的一致性。介绍了沿选定架空线对沙漠尘埃和海盐沉积进行联合分析的案例研究。海盐沉积对陶瓷绝缘子污闪风险的影响已经得到证实。结果表明,预测的ESDD值可能与沙漠尘埃吸收的ESDD部分相当。因此,在评估局部室外绝缘子的污闪风险时,尤其是在沿海地区,不能忽视海盐沉积的贡献。
