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Koskarlı Cave: The first Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene site in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey
Archaeological Research in Asia ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ara.2021.100306
Hülya Çalışkan Akgül , Berkay Dinçer

The Trabzon survey project, which was initiated in 2018, revealed a first Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene site with flint and obsidian artifacts. The findings from Koskarlı Cave in the Trabzon/Düzköy region of Turkey change the status of the prehistory of the southeastern coast of the Black Sea region from what was once known as “terra incognita” to a region whose prehistory is currently much better understood.



特拉布宗调查项目于 2018 年启动,揭示了第一个晚更新世/早全新世遗址,其中包含燧石和黑曜石文物。土耳其特拉布宗/杜兹柯伊地区 Koskarlı 洞穴的发现将黑海东南沿海地区史前史的地位从曾经被称为“未知土地”的地区转变为目前对史前史了解得更好的地区。
