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Toward a Taxonomy of Food Supply Chain Security Practices
Journal of Marketing Channels Pub Date : 2017-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/1046669x.2017.1393237
Guanyi Lu 1 , Xenophon Koufteros 2

Supply chain security (SCS) breaches in the food supply chains are distressing respective firms across the globe. They also have the potential of inflicting pain on the society at large. Despite the abundance of practices that have been advocated to cope with SCS breaches, the literature lacks a conceptual taxonomy to organize them. Classifying practices into respective taxa can advance theory building and stimulate the testing of substantive hypotheses. Toward this end, we develop a taxonomy which conceptually rests on the human immune system and its attempts to protect the human body from pathogens. We deploy a metaphorical transfer process and postulate that SCS practices can be classified into four classes based on their intent: prevention, detection, reaction, and restoration. We then discuss the implications of the taxonomy and assert that our taxonomy can be exploited to a variety of domains in the realm of risk management.



食品供应链中的供应链安全 (SCS) 漏洞正在困扰着全球各个公司。它们也有可能给整个社会带来痛苦。尽管已经提倡大量实践来应对 SCS 违规行为,但文献缺乏一个概念分类法来组织它们。将实践分类到各自的分类群中可以推进理论构建并刺激对实质性假设的检验。为此,我们开发了一种分类法,该分类法在概念上依赖于人类免疫系统及其保护人体免受病原体侵害的尝试。我们部署了一个隐喻的转移过程,并假设 SCS 实践可以根据其意图分为四类:预防、检测、反应和恢复。