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In-formality in access to housing for Latin American migrants: a case study of an intermediate Chilean city
International Journal of Housing Policy ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/19491247.2019.1627841
Yasna Contreras 1 , Laura Neville 2 , Rodrigo González 3

Abstract Antofagasta is an intermediate Chilean city featuring an extractive mining sector which attracts a population of low-income migrants, internal and cross-national, looking for economic opportunities. This leads to a gap between supply and demand for rental housing, subletting and homeownership, resulting in a highly speculative housing market. This paper examines the consequent increase in so-called informal settlements and shows how self-built housing has become an alternative way for the population of internal and foreign migrants to access housing. Drawing upon both quantitative (secondary statistics and a survey with 102 households) and qualitative research (15 in-depth interviews), the paper shows how a private-led, profit-oriented and racist housing market has consolidated in the city. Moreover, by shedding light on the everyday ways in which residents access urban services, the research points to the complex forms of juxtaposition between the formal and the informal in central, peri-central and peripheral sectors of the city. Therefore, the paper questions the formal–informal dualities in access to housing and the necessity to rethink housing and urban policies accordingly.



摘要 安托法加斯塔是智利的中型城市,以采掘业为特色,吸引了国内和跨国的低收入移民人口,寻找经济机会。这导致出租房屋、转租和房屋所有权的供需之间存在差距,从而导致高度投机的住房市场。本文考察了所谓的非正规住区随之增加的情况,并展示了自建住房如何成为国内外移民人口获得住房的另一种方式。本文利用定量(二级统计数据和对 102 户家庭的调查)和定性研究(15 次深度访谈),展示了私人主导、以利润为导向和种族主义的住房市场如何在该市巩固。而且,通过揭示居民获取城市服务的日常方式,该研究指出了城市中心、中心周边和周边地区正式和非正式并置的复杂形式。因此,本文质疑获得住房的正式-非正式二元性以及相应地重新思考住房和城市政策的必要性。