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A bronze portrait of a slave child from a presumed villa near Medellín (Lusitania)
Journal of Roman Archaeology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047759418001344
David Ojeda

A bronze portrait of a child (figs. 1-4) belonging to the category of “small format” portraits is preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Badajoz (inv. no. 4471). It was found in 1970 in excavations conducted by J. M. Peralta y Sosa on a farm in the Vega del Ortiga, an area east of Medellín in the territory between that town and Don Benito (Lusitania), some 35 km from Mérida (Augusta Emerita). In the excavated area of 40 m2 (fig. 5) were two cisterns and a rectangular well, at the bottom of which was the bronze portrait. The N cistern measured 3.8 x 1.25 m. Attached to its E side was a rectangular (80 x 60 cm) well. A channel in the centre of the S wall of the well was connected to a square (3.45 x 2.9 m) cistern. From its W wall a drain leads into a channel towards the Ortiga river, which flows by some 50 m away. On the E side of the excavation area were two identical column bases which could have belonged to a peristyle. One is a square (90 x 80 cm) block preserving traces of a column shaft 65 cm in diameter, while the other, 3 m to the north, retains the beginning of the shaft. From this point a wall (45 cm thick) faced with stucco starts to head north. The pottery found during the excavation included Arretine, South Gaulish and thin-walled wares belonging to the first quarter of the 1st c. A.D. The site appears to have been part of a Roman villa.



属于“小幅面”肖像类别的儿童青铜肖像(图 1-4)保存在巴达霍斯考古博物馆(inv. no. 4471)。它是在 1970 年由 JM Peralta y Sosa 在 Vega del Ortiga 的一个农场进行的挖掘中发现的,该农场位于麦德林以东的地区,位于该镇和 Don Benito(卢西塔尼亚)之间,距离梅里达约 35 公里(奥古斯塔·埃梅里塔)。开挖面积 40 m2(图5)有两个蓄水池和一口长方形井,井底是铜像。N 水箱尺寸为 3.8 x 1.25 m。连接到其 E 侧的是一个矩形(80 x 60 厘米)井。井 S 壁中心的通道与方形 (3.45 x 2.9 m) 水箱相连。从它的 W 墙,一条排水沟通向一条通向 Ortiga 河的通道,这条河在大约 50 m 外流过。在挖掘区的 E 侧有两个相同的柱基,可能属于柱廊。一个是方形(90 x 80 cm)块,保留了直径为 65 cm 的柱轴的痕迹,而另一个位于北边 3 m 处,保留了柱的起点。从这一点开始,一面饰有灰泥的墙(45 厘米厚)开始向北移动。发掘过程中发现的陶器包括 Arretine、属于公元一世纪第一季度的南高卢和薄壁器皿。AD 该地点似乎是罗马别墅的一部分。