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Prison, plantation, and peninsula: colonial knowledge and experimental technique in the post-war Bataan Rice Enrichment Project, 1910–1950
History and Technology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/07341512.2019.1680153
Theresa Ventura 1

ABSTRACT The 1946 Bataan Rice Enrichment Project illuminates the intimate connections between Euro-American empire, scientific nationalism, and post-war demonstration in the Philippines. The project was conducted by former American colonial chemist turned philanthropist Robert R. Williams, who sought to prove the efficacy of synthetic-thiamine fortified rice in the fight against beriberi. Yet by willfully exposing half of Bataan’s food scarce residents to beriberi, Williams effectively recreated the prisons and asylums that Euro-American researchers had used as living laboratories to induce beriberi in unwilling subjects. These ‘carceral laboratories’ were highly contested by the people imprisoned within and by nationalist Philippine physicians who understood deficiency disease as a symptom of colonialism. Returning the carceral laboratory to the making of nutritional science explains the post-war Philippine rejection of mandatory rice fortification and is a reminder that the Asian countryside was a creation of colonial modernity and a contested space long before the Cold War.



摘要 1946 年的巴丹水稻浓缩项目阐明了欧美帝国、科学民族主义和菲律宾战后示威之间的密切联系。该项目由前美国殖民化学家转为慈善家罗伯特·R·威廉姆斯(Robert R. Williams)进行,他试图证明合成硫胺素强化大米在对抗脚气病方面的功效。然而,通过故意让巴丹一半缺乏食物的居民接触脚气病,威廉姆斯有效地重建了监狱和收容所,欧美研究人员曾将这些监狱和庇护所用作活体实验室,以在不情愿的受试者中诱发脚气病。这些“监狱实验室”受到关押在里面的人和民族主义的菲律宾医生的强烈反对,他们将缺陷病理解为殖民主义的症状。