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Competencies and success of motion picture actors: a resource-based and competence-based empirical analysis
Journal of Media Practice Pub Date : 2016-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14682753.2016.1159452
Bernd W. Wirtz , Marina Mermann , Peter Daiser

ABSTRACT Motion picture actors (MPA) have to compete in a highly competitive, complex and dynamic environmental setting. However, only little knowledge concerning their success factors is available. The present study addresses this lack of research by using a structural equation model-driven approach, testing and using data from a survey with 566 MPAs. The aim of this approach is to provide insights concerning specific resources and competencies that increase the possibility of successful casting for MPAs. Therefore, we tested six hypotheses and identified significant positive effects on MPAs’ success from the following resources and competencies: personal network of contacts, talent agency's competence, actor's social competence, actor's media presence and actor's pricing competence. The empirical findings further illustrate the essential role of the personal network of contacts as a source of MPAs’ success and offer advice for MPAs to enable them to actively and strategically develop their careers. Since this is one of the first studies that analyses success factors of MPAs based on a large sample of primary data using a multivariate method, the empirical findings constitute an important theoretical contribution. Furthermore, several practical implications are provided to MPAs.



摘要 电影演员 (MPA) 必须在竞争激烈、复杂且动态的环境设置中竞争。然而,关于他们的成功因素的知识很少。本研究通过使用结构方程模型驱动的方法、测试和使用来自 566 个海洋保护区的调查数据来解决缺乏研究的问题。这种方法的目的是提供有关特定资源和能力的见解,以增加 MPA 成功铸造的可能性。因此,我们测试了六个假设,并确定了以下资源和能力对 MPA 成功的显着积极影响:人脉网络、人才代理能力、演员的社交能力、演员的媒体形象和演员的定价能力。实证结果进一步说明了个人联系网络作为 MPA 成功来源的重要作用,并为 MPA 提供建议,使他们能够积极和战略性地发展自己的职业生涯。由于这是使用多元方法基于大量原始数据分析海洋保护区成功因素的首批研究之一,因此实证结果构成了重要的理论贡献。此外,还为海洋保护区提供了若干实际意义。实证结果构成了重要的理论贡献。此外,还为海洋保护区提供了若干实际意义。实证结果构成了重要的理论贡献。此外,还为海洋保护区提供了若干实际意义。