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City Symphony Malmö: the spatial politics of non-institutional memory
Journal of Media Practice Pub Date : 2016-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14682753.2016.1248189
Erling Björgvinsson 1 , Anders Høg Hansen 2

ABSTRACT City Symphony Malmö was a collaborative documentary that engaged citizens of Malmö in recording short film sequences. The Symphony’ video material was also performed at the art and performance centre Inkonst where electronic musicians improvised to VJ’s digital and analogue live mixing of the material. A remediation of the performance was streamed live on the Internet with live footage from the performance. All clips were released under the creative commons licence and made available for remixing through The Pirate Bay. This article explores what it can imply to hand over the means of film production to citizens. The discussion concentrates on participatory and spatially distributed filmmaking and screening of non-institutional memories, produced in the symphony. The analysis merges influence from silent cinema and Soviet Montage [Vertov, Dziga. 1929. A Man with a Movie Camera. Documentary/City Symphony Film], theories of public memory [e.g. Casey, Edward. 2004. “Public Memory in Place and Time.” In Framing Public Memory, edited by Kendall R. Phillips, 17–46. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press; Young, David E. 2000. At Memory’s Edge. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press; Bodnar, John. 1992. Remaking America: Public Memory, Commemoration, and Patriotism in the Twentieth Century. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press], new media [Jenkins, Henry. 2006. Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press; Manovich, Lew. 2001. The Language of New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press.] and place [Appadurai, Arjan. 1996. Modernity at Large. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press; Lefebvre, Henri. (1974) 1991. The Production of Space. Translated by D. Nicholson-Smith. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers; Harvey, David. 1993. “From Space to Place and Back Again.” In Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Exchange, edited by Jon Bird, Barry Curtis, Tim Putnam, George Robertson, and Lisa Tickner, 3–29. London: Routledge]. It describes the complexities of creating non-institutional memory and archiving practices and argues that such citizen-driven and non-institutional memories may challenge official history and societal memory production, yet also reproduce typical and iconic images which reveal spatio-material hierarchies. Such complexities demonstrate the value of an analysis of participation and spatio-material dimensions of public memory as unfolded in the article.



摘要 马尔默城市交响乐团是一部合作纪录片,让马尔默市民参与录制短片序列。Symphony 的视频素材也在 Inkonst 艺术和表演中心演出,电子音乐家在那里即兴演奏 VJ 对素材的数字和模拟现场混音。表演的修复在互联网上直播,并带有表演的现场镜头。所有剪辑均在知识共享许可下发布,并可通过海盗湾进行混音。本文探讨了将电影制作手段交给公民的意义。讨论集中在参与式和空间分布的电影制作和放映在交响乐中产生的非机构记忆。分析融合了无声电影和苏联蒙太奇的影响 [Vertov, 吉加。1929. 一个拿着电影摄影机的男人。纪录片/城市交响乐电影],公共记忆理论[例如凯西,爱德华。2004. “地点和时间的公共记忆”。In Framing Public Memory,Kendall R. Phillips 编辑,17-46。塔斯卡卢萨:阿拉巴马大学出版社;Young, David E. 2000。在记忆的边缘。康涅狄格州纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社;博德纳尔,约翰。1992. 重塑美国:二十世纪的公共记忆、纪念和爱国主义。新泽西州普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社],新媒体 [詹金斯,亨利。2006. 融合文化:新旧媒体碰撞的地方。纽约:纽约大学出版社;马诺维奇,卢。2001. 新媒体语言。剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社。] 和地方 [Appadurai,Arjan。1996. 现代性。明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社;列斐伏尔,亨利。(1974) 1991. 空间的生产。由 D. Nicholson-Smith 翻译。牛津:布莱克威尔出版社;哈维,大卫。1993. “从太空到地方再回来。” 在 Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Exchange 中,由 Jon Bird、Barry Curtis、Tim Putnam、George Robertson 和 Lisa Tickner 编辑,3-29。伦敦:劳特利奇]。它描述了创建非机构记忆和归档实践的复杂性,并认为这种由公民驱动的非机构记忆可能会挑战官方历史和社会记忆生产,但也会再现典型和标志性的图像,这些图像揭示了时空-物质层次结构。这种复杂性证明了对文章中展开的公共记忆的参与和空间-物质维度进行分析的价值。” 在 Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Exchange 中,由 Jon Bird、Barry Curtis、Tim Putnam、George Robertson 和 Lisa Tickner 编辑,3-29。伦敦:劳特利奇]。它描述了创建非机构记忆和归档实践的复杂性,并认为这种由公民驱动的非机构记忆可能会挑战官方历史和社会记忆生产,但也会再现典型和标志性的图像,这些图像揭示了时空-物质层次结构。这种复杂性证明了对文章中展开的公共记忆的参与和空间-物质维度进行分析的价值。” 在 Mapping the Futures: Local Cultures, Global Exchange 中,由 Jon Bird、Barry Curtis、Tim Putnam、George Robertson 和 Lisa Tickner 编辑,3-29。伦敦:劳特利奇]。它描述了创建非机构记忆和归档实践的复杂性,并认为这种由公民驱动的非机构记忆可能会挑战官方历史和社会记忆生产,但也会再现典型和标志性的图像,这些图像揭示了时空-物质层次结构。这种复杂性证明了对文章中展开的公共记忆的参与和空间-物质维度进行分析的价值。它描述了创建非机构记忆和归档实践的复杂性,并认为这种由公民驱动的非机构记忆可能会挑战官方历史和社会记忆生产,但也会再现典型和标志性的图像,这些图像揭示了时空-物质层次结构。这种复杂性证明了对文章中展开的公共记忆的参与和空间-物质维度进行分析的价值。它描述了创建非机构记忆和归档实践的复杂性,并认为这种由公民驱动的非机构记忆可能会挑战官方历史和社会记忆生产,但也会再现典型和标志性的图像,这些图像揭示了时空-物质层次结构。这种复杂性证明了对文章中展开的公共记忆的参与和空间-物质维度进行分析的价值。