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Comparison of passive microwave remote-sensing snow-depth products on Arctic sea ice
Polar Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-20 , DOI: 10.33265/polar.v38.3432
Chenlei Zhang , Qing Ji , Xiaoping Pang , Jie Su , Chang Liu

Changes in snow cover on the surface of Arctic sea ice affect the energy balance between the atmosphere and the ocean and play a vital role in the global climate system. Accurate snow depth is a precondition for representing thermodynamic processes in sea-ice systems and is helpful for estimating sea-ice thickness. To better apply Arctic snow-depth products released by different organizations, we compared four kinds of snow-depth products based on three kinds of passive microwave (PM) sensors and evaluated them against the snow depth measured by ice mass-balance buoys (IMB snow depth) and Operation Ice Bridge airborne snow radar (OIB snow depth). The results show that the snow depths from the product released by the University of Bremen (UB) are larger than those by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), with an average difference of 10 cm. Comparing the PM remote-sensing snow depths released by UB, NSIDC and NASA against IMB and OIB snow depths, it is found that NSIDC AMSR-E snow-depth product has the highest accuracy. Although these PM remote-sensing snow-depth products released by different organizations differ in accuracy, they all reflect the spatio-temporal variation characteristics of snow depth on Arctic sea ice. These comparisons and analysis of snow-depth products from different sensors released by different organizations provide a basis for further investigation of Arctic sea-ice thickness estimation and benefit the studies of Arctic sea ice and climate change.



北极海冰表面积雪的变化影响大气和海洋之间的能量平衡,在全球气候系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。准确的积雪深度是表征海冰系统中热力学过程的先决条件,有助于估计海冰厚度。为了更好地应用不同组织发布的北极雪深产品,我们比较了基于三种被动微波(PM)传感器的四种雪深产品,并根据冰质量平衡浮标(IMB雪)测量的雪深对它们进行了评估。深度)和冰桥行动机载雪地雷达(OIB 雪深)。结果表明,不来梅大学(UB)发布的产品积雪深度大于国家冰雪数据中心(NSIDC)和美国国家航空航天局(NASA),平均相差10厘米。将UB、NSIDC和NASA发布的PM遥感雪深与IMB和OIB雪深进行比较,发现NSIDC AMSR-E雪深产品精度最高。不同机构发布的这些PM遥感雪深产品虽然精度不同,但都反映了北极海冰雪深的时空变化特征。