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Indonesia and the Malay World ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-18 , DOI: 10.1080/13639811.2019.1582887
Hans Hägerdal

ABSTRACT The article studies a complex of little known historical processes in Southwestern Maluku and East Timor in the late 17th century. These occurred in the intersection between early colonial attempts at political and economic control, and local strategies to either accommodate or avoid such control. The article argues that the aspirations of European or Eurasian groups – the Dutch VOC and the ethnically mixed Portuguese Topasses – allowed certain local leaders to use early colonial rivalries to build up positions that transgressed their customary prerogatives. Moreover, the processes must be seen as an interplay between global, regional and local spatial levels. The article focuses in particular on two protagonists. Bakker, a chief in the island of Kisar, was briefly expelled through a Topass invasion in 1668 but reinstated by a Dutch expeditionary force, henceforth cooperating closely with the Dutch post in Banda. Sili Saba (Raja Salomon), was the ruler of Ade (Vemasse) in East Timor. An attempt to ally with the VOC in 1668 misfired as the Topasses invaded East Timor in the same year, and Sili Saba was installed as interlocutor for the VOC in Wetar. The article shows how the Wetar Straits, which had a binding function for culturally similar populations, was turned into a sea border which still persists. It also demonstrates how local groups obstructed the imposed order through resistance and migrations.


印度尼西亚和东帝汶的 WETA 和 KISAR

摘要 本文研究了 17 世纪后期马鲁古西南部和东帝汶的一系列鲜为人知的历史进程。这些发生在早期殖民政治和经济控制的尝试与适应或避免这种控制的地方战略之间的交叉点。这篇文章认为,欧洲或欧亚群体——荷兰 VOC 和种族混合的葡萄牙托帕斯——的愿望允许某些地方领导人利用早期的殖民竞争来建立超越他们习惯特权的立场。此外,这些过程必须被视为全球、区域和地方空间层次之间的相互作用。这篇文章特别关注两个主角。巴克,基萨尔岛的一位酋长,1668 年因托帕斯入侵而被短暂驱逐,但被荷兰远征军恢复,此后与班达的荷兰邮局密切合作。Sili Saba(Raja Salomon),是东帝汶阿德(Vemasse)的统治者。1668 年与 VOC 结盟的尝试因同年托帕斯人入侵东帝汶而失败,Sili Saba 被任命为 Wetar 的 VOC 对话者。文章展示了对文化相似的人群具有约束功能的韦塔海峡如何变成了仍然存在的海上边界。它还展示了当地团体如何通过抵抗和迁移来阻挠强加的秩序。1668 年与 VOC 结盟的尝试因同年托帕斯人入侵东帝汶而失败,Sili Saba 被任命为 Wetar 的 VOC 对话者。文章展示了对文化相似的人群具有约束功能的韦塔海峡如何变成了仍然存在的海上边界。它还展示了当地团体如何通过抵抗和迁移来阻挠强加的秩序。1668 年与 VOC 结盟的尝试因同年托帕斯人入侵东帝汶而失败,Sili Saba 被任命为 Wetar 的 VOC 对话者。文章展示了对文化相似的人群具有约束功能的韦塔海峡如何变成了仍然存在的海上边界。它还展示了当地团体如何通过抵抗和迁移来阻挠强加的秩序。