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Collecting honey from sialang trees
Indonesia and the Malay World ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1080/13639811.2020.1799542
Sarwit Sarwono

ABSTRACT This article discusses two manuscripts from the Serawai region of Bengkulu province in southern Sumatra, written in Middle Malay in ulu script, concerning the collecting of honey from sialang trees. The nyialang ritual is the process of taking honey from bee hives built in sialang trees (Caesalpiniaceae) in the forest, led by an imam sialang or pawang sialang and assisted by four or five apprentices or anak sialang. The nyialang ritual is performed at certain times and in a specific way, based on the myth of the origin of honey. The two manuscripts, held at the State Museum of Bengkulu, are MNB 07.91 (containing text A) and MNB 07.135 (containing text B). A is entitled Caro ngambiak madu siyalang and B is entitled Caro nyialang, both meaning ‘How to harvest sialang honey’. Each text consists of ‘statement’ elements, describing actions in the nyialang ritual or the revelant part of the myth of the origin of honey, and dunday elements, namely mantras that are uttered when the relevant action is carried out. Both texts were evidently written as a guide or aide-memoire for both the writer and the reader on how to carry out the nyialang ritual. Each was certainly written by a knowledgable person who had mastered all the details of the ritual, namely the imam sialang, with the intention of explaining how the nyialang ritual relates to the myth of the origin of honey in oral tradition.



摘要 本文讨论了来自苏门答腊南部明古鲁省色拉威地区的两份手稿,它们是用乌鲁体书写的中古马来文,内容涉及从 sialang 树中采集蜂蜜。nyialang 仪式是从建造在森林中的 sialang 树(Caesalpiniaceae)的蜂箱中提取蜂蜜的过程,由阿訇 sialang 或 pawang sialang 领导,并由四五个学徒或 anak sialang 协助。nyialang 仪式是在特定时间以特定方式进行的,基于蜂蜜起源的神话。这两份手稿保存在明古鲁国家博物馆,分别是 MNB 07.91(包含文本 A)和 MNB 07.135(包含文本 B)。A 的名字是 Caro ngambiak madu siyalang,B 的名字是 Caro nyialang,意思都是“如何收获 sialang 蜂蜜”。每个文本由“陈述”元素组成,描述 nyialang 仪式中的动作或蜂蜜起源神话的相关部分,以及 dunday 元素,即在执行相关动作时发出的咒语。这两篇文章显然是作为作者和读者关于如何进行尼亚朗仪式的指南或备忘录而写的。每一个肯定都是由一位精通仪式所有细节的知识渊博的人撰写的,即伊玛目sialang,目的是解释nyialang仪式如何与口头传统中蜂蜜起源的神话有关。这两篇文章显然都是作为作者和读者关于如何进行尼亚朗仪式的指南或备忘录而写的。每一个肯定都是由一位精通仪式所有细节的知识渊博的人撰写的,即伊玛目sialang,目的是解释nyialang仪式如何与口头传统中蜂蜜起源的神话有关。这两篇文章显然是作为作者和读者关于如何进行尼亚朗仪式的指南或备忘录而写的。每一个肯定都是由一位精通仪式所有细节的知识渊博的人撰写的,即伊玛目sialang,目的是解释nyialang仪式如何与口头传统中蜂蜜起源的神话有关。