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Américo Castro’s Conversos and the Question of Subjectivity
Culture & History Digital Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-29 , DOI: 10.3989/chdj.2017.018
Miriam Bodian

Scholars have long puzzled over the disproportionate role played by Judeo-conversos in the innovative cultural currents of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain. Recently, a number of scholars have developed the idea that outstanding converso thinkers and authors shared a sensibility that anticipated modernity (particularly Jewish modernity). One of the key features of this sensibility was subjective consciousness. This article explores the foundational work of Americo Castro on this subject. Drawing from nineteenth-century orientalist discourse, Castro understood the subjective awareness of conversos to be a renewed expression of ancient “semitic” characteristics discernable in medieval Jewish (and Islamic) writing, as well as in the Hebrew Bible. In Castro’s view, the conversos’ inherent access to their inner life, stimulated by their experience of repression, allowed them to create a literature that became synonymous with Hispanicity. Castro’s conversos, in whom the strongly negative characteristics of his Jews have “disappeared,” are thus harbingers not of modernity, but of a coalescing Spanish national identity. Yet his essentialized view of converso subjectivity has offered support to recent scholarship on “Marranism” and modernity, which follows Castro in its converso-centric apprehension of subjectivity in early modern Europe.



长期以来,学者们一直对 Judeo-conversos 在 16 和 17 世纪西班牙的创新文化潮流中扮演的不成比例的角色感到困惑。最近,一些学者提出了这样一种观点,即杰出的转换思想家和作家都具有预见现代性(尤其是犹太现代性)的敏感性。这种敏感性的主要特征之一是主观意识。本文探讨了 Americo Castro 在该主题上的基础工作。卡斯特罗从 19 世纪的东方主义话语中汲取灵感,将转换的主观意识理解为对中世纪犹太(和伊斯兰)写作以及希伯来圣经中可辨别的古代“闪族”特征的重新表达。在卡斯特罗看来,皈依者对内心生活的固有访问权,受到压迫经历的刺激,使他们能够创作出与西班牙裔同义的文学。卡斯特罗的转会者中,他的犹太人强烈的负面特征“消失了”,因此不是现代性的先驱,而是西班牙民族认同的结合。然而,他对转化主体性的本质化观点为最近关于“Marranism”和现代性的学术研究提供了支持,这与卡斯特罗在早期现代欧洲对主体性的以转化为中心的理解相一致。