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Exiliados-migrantes y reconciliación en los Países Bajos después de la Paz de Arras (1579)
Culture & History Digital Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-19 , DOI: 10.3989/chdj.2017.003
Yves Junot

This article contributes to the assessment of the management of migrants at the end of the 16 th century as part of the challenge, by both central and municipal authorities, for ending the civil war in the Spanish Low Countries. In particular, it questions to what extent experiences of exiles, returnees and migrants presented a challenge for families, economic regulation and public order in the French-speaking reconciled provinces (Hainaut, Artois and the Walloon Flanders), in the new framework of the pacification and religious normalization. It focuses on how did the towns, when confronted with various forms of mobility, attempt to apply the practice of reconciliation. On the one hand, the general policy of reconciliation tried to build a post bellum society under the Roman Catholic faith and the King’s sovereignty, not only by excluding those who refused to recant in order to conform to the rules of the pacification, but also by forgiving and reincorporating the migrants who crossed confessional boundaries. Then, it considers how, at their level, the municipal authorities had to take various patterns of migration into account, in particular those that connected most of the towns of the Union of Arras to the Protestant Refuge in England and the Dutch Republic, reducing the importance of the migrants’ religious status in their selection criteria. Finally, theses practices opened a space for discussion and a shy civic toleration between the Catholic aldermen, the ex-Calvinists who had chosen official reconciliation, and the textile workers migrants while still being accommodated and welcomed into the exile Protestant Churches, relegating the debate about personal confessional practices and religion from public space to the family sphere.


Exiliados-migrantes y reconciliación en los Países Bajos después de la Paz de Arras (1579)

本文有助于评估 16 世纪末的移民管理,这是中央和市政当局为结束西班牙低地国家的内战所面临的挑战的一部分。特别是,它质疑在新的和平框架下,流亡者、返回者和移民的经历在多大程度上对法语和解省份(埃诺、阿图瓦和瓦隆佛兰德省)的家庭、经济监管和公共秩序构成挑战。和宗教正常化。它侧重于城镇在面临各种形式的流动时如何尝试应用和解的做法。一方面,和解的总政策试图在罗马天主教信仰和国王的主权下建立一个战后社会,不仅通过排除那些拒绝皈依以符合和平规则的人,而且还通过原谅和重新融入跨越忏悔界限的移民。然后,它考虑了市政当局如何在他们的层面上考虑各种移民模式,特别是那些将阿拉斯联盟的大部分城镇与英格兰和荷兰共和国的新教避难所连接起来的移民,减少移民的宗教地位在他们的选择标准中的重要性。最后,这些做法为天主教市议员、选择正式和解的前加尔文主义者和纺织工人移民之间的讨论和害羞的公民宽容打开了空间,同时仍然被流放的新教教会接纳和欢迎,