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Minority parents’ coping efforts to improve their children’s academic achievement: the Tanodas in Hungary
Intercultural Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-22 , DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2019.1619279
Lananh Nguyen Luu 1 , Ágnes Boreczky 1 , János Gordon Győri 1

ABSTRACT Our paper is based on a study carried out among students of Hungarian tanodas – second chance educational institutions in Hungary – and their parents. The findings of the interview research did not support deficit models and suggest that schooling is a vital issue for both Roma/Gypsy families and their children. All families have limited resources and opportunities to achieve desired goals, and despite their strong intent and determination, they often seem to lack a clear vision of the steps to be taken. Our results show that children have to cope with negligence, stigmatization, exclusion, discrimination, etc. Turning to tanodas for help has become a sort of coping strategy in and of itself. We could identify, as common parental strategies, the ‘squeezing out’ of the maximum available scarce opportunities, building on social networks, and monitoring their children’s studies. Students’ coping mechanisms regarding identity-threats were more varied and ranged from confrontation via proxy control and social support, to disengaging from school and taking on a negative identity or, the opposite, taking up positive roles.


少数族裔父母为提高孩子的学业成绩而采取的应对措施:匈牙利的 Tanodas

摘要 我们的论文基于对匈牙利 tanodas(匈牙利的第二次机会教育机构)的学生及其父母进行的一项研究。访谈研究的结果不支持赤字模型,并表明学校教育对罗姆人/吉普赛人家庭及其子女来说都是一个至关重要的问题。所有家庭实现预期目标的资源和机会都是有限的,尽管他们有强烈的意图和决心,但他们似乎对要采取的步骤缺乏清晰的愿景。我们的研究结果表明,儿童必须应对疏忽、污名化、排斥、歧视等问题。求助于 tanodas 本身已成为一种应对策略。我们可以确定,作为常见的父母策略,“挤出”最大可用的稀缺机会,建立在社交网络上,并监督他们孩子的学习。学生对身份威胁的应对机制更加多样化,范围从通过代理控制和社会支持的对抗,到脱离学校并承担负面身份,或者相反,扮演积极角色。