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The representation of multicultural values in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture-Endorsed EFL textbook: a critical discourse analysis
Intercultural Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2019.1548102
Budi Setyono 1 , Handoyo Puji Widodo 2, 3

ABSTRACT In transcultural and transnational communication settings, English learners have to be able to communicate with people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. For this reason, English as a foreign language (EFL) textbooks, for instance, not only promote Anglo-American and British cultures but also include both EFL learners’ home and international cultures. The present discourse study looks at the cultural content of a nationally adopted EFL textbook in Indonesia. It particularly investigates multicultural values represented in the EFL textbook geared for senior high school students. Findings of the study reveal that four themes of multicultural values emerge from the textbook, such as: (1) respect for cultures of different ethnic and religious groups; (2) respect for cultures of indigenous people; (3) conflict avoidance and peace with all forms of life and nature; and (4) appreciation of creative cultural products. The implications of this textual study suggest that as English plays an increasingly important role as a global lingua franca, multicultural materials from outer and expanding circle countries need to be added to English language teaching (ELT) textbooks. Therefore, English teachers should creatively teach multicultural aspects and use multimodal materials to engage students in culturally laden language-learning tasks.


印度尼西亚教育和文化部认可的 EFL 教科书中多元文化价值观的表现:批判性话语分析

摘要 在跨文化和跨国交流环境中,英语学习者必须能够与来自不同语言和文化背景的人交流。因此,例如,作为外语的英语(EFL)教科书不仅宣扬英美和英国文化,而且还包括 EFL 学习者的本土文化和国际文化。目前的话语研究着眼于印度尼西亚全国采用的 EFL 教科书的文化内容。它特别调查了面向高中生的 EFL 教科书中所代表的多元文化价值观。研究结果显示,教科书中出现了四个多元文化价值观的主题,例如:(1)尊重不同种族和宗教群体的文化;(2) 尊重土著人民的文化;(3) 避免与所有形式的生命和自然发生冲突与和平;(四)文化创意产品鉴赏。这项文本研究的意义表明,随着英语作为全球通用语言发挥着越来越重要的作用,需要将来自外围国家和不断扩大的国家/地区的多元文化材料添加到英语语言教学 (ELT) 教科书中。因此,英语教师应该创造性地教授多文化方面的知识,并使用多模式材料让学生参与充满文化的语言学习任务。来自外围国家和不断扩大的圆圈国家的多元文化材料需要添加到英语语言教学(ELT)教科书中。因此,英语教师应该创造性地教授多文化方面的知识,并使用多模式材料让学生参与充满文化的语言学习任务。来自外围国家和不断扩大的圆圈国家的多元文化材料需要添加到英语语言教学(ELT)教科书中。因此,英语教师应该创造性地教授多文化方面的知识,并使用多模式材料让学生参与充满文化的语言学习任务。