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Hidden and actual dropout from the education system among adolescents of Ethiopian origin in Israel
Intercultural Education ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-17 , DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2019.1616449
Wovite Worku Mengisto 1 , Gabriel Horenczyk 2

ABSTRACT This paper examines aspects and predictors of actual and hidden dropout among immigrant students in general, and among Israeli students of Ethiopian origin, in particular. A hidden dropout is a student who is often absent from school or physically in class but is passive and does not actively take part in the learning process. The subject of this study derives from research evidence showing that the dropout rates of Israeli adolescents of Ethiopian origin are higher than those of their peers who are not of Ethiopian origin. We investigated differences between normative learners, hidden dropout youth and adolescents who are disengaged from the educational system. The predictors included perceived discrimination, social support and collective identities; 374 adolescents of Ethiopian origin completed self-report questionnaires. The major findings show that the hidden dropouts group was characterised by a pattern of high parental encouragement but a lack of support from teachers. Implications of the results, both for theory and for practice, are discussed, followed by suggestions for future research.



摘要 本文考察了一般移民学生,特别是埃塞俄比亚裔以色列学生实际和隐性辍学的方面和预测因素。隐性辍学是指经常缺课或缺课但处于被动状态且不积极参与学习过程的学生。本研究的主题来自研究证据,表明埃塞俄比亚裔以色列青少年的辍学率高于非埃塞俄比亚裔的同龄人。我们调查了规范学习者、隐性辍学青年和脱离教育系统的青少年之间的差异。预测因素包括感知歧视、社会支持和集体认同;374 名埃塞俄比亚裔青少年完成了自我报告问卷。主要研究结果表明,隐性辍学组的特点是父母高度鼓励,但缺乏教师的支持。讨论了结果对理论和实践的影响,然后提出了对未来研究的建议。