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Revisiting Erik Erikson’s Legacy on Culture, Race, and Ethnicity
Identity Pub Date : 2018-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2018.1523729
Moin Syed 1 , Jillian Fish 1

ABSTRACT Erik Erikson is seldom associated with work on culture, race, and ethnicity. What is ironic about this lack of association is not only that Erikson did consider these factors but that they figured prominently into his theorizing. The purpose of this article is to provide an analysis of Erikson’s views that is more accurate than is what is typically represented by (1) reviewing a brief history of empirical research on identity development since Erikson, (2) providing a broad summary of Erikson’s writing on how identity is shaped by culture, race, and ethnicity, (3) arguing that Erikson’s work suggests that historical trauma serves as an ideological setting for the identity development of marginalized groups, and (4) describing how historical trauma is associated with threats to temporal identity integration or self-continuity.


重温埃里克·埃里克森 (Erik Erikson) 在文化、种族和民族方面的遗产

摘要 Erik Erikson 很少与文化、种族和民族的工作联系在一起。这种缺乏关联具有讽刺意味的是,不仅埃里克森确实考虑了这些因素,而且它们在他的理论中占有突出地位。这篇文章的目的是对埃里克森的观点进行分析,这种分析比 (1) 回顾埃里克森以来身份发展的实证研究简史,(2) 提供埃里克森写作的广泛总结关于文化、种族和民族如何塑造身份,(3) 认为埃里克森的工作表明历史创伤是边缘化群体身份发展的意识形态背景,以及 (4) 描述历史创伤如何与威胁时间身份整合或自我连续性。