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Is Tourism the Beginning or the End? Livelihoods of Georgian Mountain People at Stake
Mountain Research and Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-08 , DOI: 10.1659/mrd-journal-d-19-00078.1
Gvantsa Salukvadze 1 , Norman Backhaus 2

This study is an attempt toempirically understand thetransformation of rootedlivelihoods after the arrival oftourism in the GreaterCaucasus. A case-specificmethodology combiningqualitative and geographicinformation methods enabled us to identify 4 types of tourism-ledlivelihood change: (1) expanding nonagricultural activities;(2) reducing agricultural activities; (3) developing agritourismactivities; and (4) increasing agricultural activities. Broad spatialcoverage ensured that the data collected were representative. Thefindings indicate that although tourism growth has increased theneed for supplementary services, only a few local residents havemanaged to develop tourism-related nonagricultural activities. Weargue that mountain residents see opportunities from tourismmainly in agriculture and hosting tourists. However, relatively fewof them actually expanded their agricultural activities in responseto tourism’s increased demand for agricultural products, as severalbarriers (lack of human resources, modern technology, andfinances) hindered other residents from taking this opportunity. Asour study reveals, households with traditional livelihoods mostoften replaced their agricultural activities, investing all theirresources in developing tourism-related livelihoods instead. Otherscreated added value from their integrated agriculture- and tourism-based livelihoods by providing visitors with locally made products.In addition to these findings on trends in livelihood changes, thestudy also provides an understanding of households’ economicpriorities. We hope the new insights surrounding tourism-ledlivelihood shifts will spark a debate on how people cope with therapid spread of tourism in the Georgian mountains.



本研究是对大高加索地区旅游业到来后根基生计变化的实证研究。结合定性和地理信息方法的个案特定方法使我们能够识别 4 类以旅游为主导的生计变化:(1) 扩大非农业活动;(2) 减少农业活动;(三)发展农业旅游活动;(4) 增加农业活动。广泛的空间覆盖确保收集的数据具有代表性。研究结果表明,尽管旅游业的增长增加了对补充服务的需求,但只有少数当地居民成功地开展了与旅游相关的非农业活动。山区居民看到旅游业的机会主要是在农业和接待游客方面。然而,由于一些障碍(缺乏人力资源、现代技术和金融)阻碍了其他居民利用这一机会,因此他们中很少有人真正扩大农业活动以响应旅游业对农产品日益增长的需求。Asour 研究显示,传统生计的家庭通常会取代他们的农业活动,而是将所有资源投资于发展与旅游相关的生计。其他人通过为游客提供当地制造的产品,从他们以农业和旅游为基础的综合生计中创造了附加值。除了这些关于生计变化趋势的发现之外,该研究还提供了对家庭经济优先事项的理解。