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From the point of a gun to the point of starvation: economic conscription in post-conflict policing
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-09 , DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2019.1602548
Jesse S.G. Wozniak 1

ABSTRACT A central aspect of post-conflict policing literature holds that the new force must differentiate itself from its predecessor. In the efforts to democratize Iraqi police, trainers and recruits alike espouse lofty ideals regarding who should join and how police should behave. However, these ideals are directly contradicted by low qualification levels and the public behavior of police. Drawing from an intensive ethnographic study of police training in the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), I argue that while having broken from the forced conscription of the Hussein era, the new force is staffed by economic conscription, comprised of reluctant volunteers who joined to escape poverty and receive little training on the new responsibilities of democratic police. While the methods of conscription have changed, the results remain the same – a force comprised largely of people who do not want to be police and who do not respect the rights of citizens.



摘要 冲突后警务文献的一个核心方面认为,新生力量必须与其前身不同。在伊拉克警察民主化的努力中,训练员和新兵都拥护关于谁应该加入以及警察应该如何行事的崇高理想。然而,这些理想与低素质水平和警察的公开行为直接相矛盾。根据对库尔德斯坦地区政府 (KRG) 警察培训的深入人种学研究,我认为,虽然摆脱了侯赛因时代的强制征兵,但新部队的成员是经济征兵,由不情愿的志愿者组成,他们加入了逃跑贫困,很少接受关于民主警察新职责的培训。虽然征兵方式发生了变化,