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Problem-oriented policing of transnational environmental crimes: a social harms approach
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2018.1515093
Mwenda Kailemia 1

ABSTRACT Since the publication of Herman Goldstein’s seminal article on Problem-oriented Policing (POP) in 1979, criminologists have attempted to apply its proactive methodology, with a large body of police work concentrating on how operational policing can benefit from the methodologies of POP, and specifically how events are recognised, approached and resolved as policing problems. Even then, most of these works ascribe a non-existing ontological value to events, supposing a bad actor against whom the good actor intervenes. This atomised, state-centrist notion of criminality has been discredited by social harms theory, which emphasises a reading of crime that reaches beyond the bureaucratic abilities of state criminal justice agencies. This article is aimed at illustrating how both POP and a social harms approach to crime can enrich each other, especially with regard to environmental crimes.



摘要 自从赫尔曼·戈德斯坦 (Herman Goldstein) 于 1979 年发表关于以问题为导向的警务 (POP) 的开创性文章以来,犯罪学家一直试图应用其主动方法,大量警务工作都集中在行动警务如何从 POP 方法论中受益,以及特别是如何识别、处理和解决作为警务问题的事件。即便如此,这些作品中的大多数还是将不存在的本体论价值归于事件,假设好演员干预了坏演员。这种原子化的、以国家为中心的犯罪概念已被社会危害理论所质疑,该理论强调对犯罪的解读超出了国家刑事司法机构的官僚能力。本文旨在说明 POP 和针对犯罪的社会危害方法如何相互促进,