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Evidence to support delivery of effective health services: a responsive programme of rapid evidence synthesis
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1332/174426419x15468574223221
Duncan Chambers 1 , Andrew Booth 1 , Mark Rodgers 2 , Louise Preston 1 , Jane Dalton 2 , Elizabeth Goyder 1 , Sian Thomas 2 , Gillian Parker 2 , Andrew Street 3 , Alison Eastwood 2

Background Two UK academic centres were commissioned to provide a responsive rapid evidence synthesis service. The service covered topics identified by the National Institute for Health Research Health Services & Delivery Research (NIHR HSDR) programme as priorities for the National Health Service or to inform research commissioning. Aims and objectives To describe and evaluate the review teams’ interactions with the evidence users the programme aimed to serve, primarily NHS clinicians, commissioners and managers. We particularly aim to highlight the barriers and facilitators to the impact that this type of programme may have on the uptake and use of research evidence by decision makers. Methods Narrative review of stakeholder interactions at different stages of the review process: prioritisation and defining scope; dealing with unexpected results; dissemination of findings; and measuring impact, illustrated by examples from the first three years of the service (2014–17). Conclusions Timely production of high-quality outputs was facilitated by: initial mapping and scoping of the available published evidence; early engagement with stakeholders to optimise their involvement within limited time and resources; and willingness to consider creative solutions and different ways of working to overcome problems encountered in specific projects.



背景 委托两个英国学术中心提供响应迅速的证据综合服务。该服务涵盖了国家卫生研究所卫生服务与交付研究 (NIHR HSDR) 计划确定的主题,作为国家卫生服务的优先事项或为研究委托提供信息。目的和目标 描述和评估审查小组与该计划旨在服务的证据使用者的互动,主要是 NHS 临床医生、专员和管理人员。我们特别旨在强调此类计划可能对决策者对研究证据的吸收和使用产生影响的障碍和促进因素。方法 在审查过程的不同阶段对利益相关者互动的叙述性审查:确定优先级和定义范围;处理意外结果;传播调查结果;和衡量影响,通过服务前三年(2014-17 年)的例子来说明。结论 及时生成高质量的产出得益于: 对可用已发表证据的初步映射和范围界定;尽早与利益相关者接触,以在有限的时间和资源内优化他们的参与;愿意考虑创造性的解决方案和不同的工作方式来克服特定项目中遇到的问题。尽早与利益相关者接触,以在有限的时间和资源内优化他们的参与;愿意考虑创造性的解决方案和不同的工作方式来克服特定项目中遇到的问题。尽早与利益相关者接触,以在有限的时间和资源内优化他们的参与;愿意考虑创造性的解决方案和不同的工作方式来克服特定项目中遇到的问题。