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Drawing straight lines along blurred boundaries: Qualitative research, patient and public involvement in medical research, co-production and co-design
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-01 , DOI: 10.1332/174426419x15552999451313
Locock Louise 1 , Boaz Annette 2

Funding details: Through the ‘Co-Creative Capacity’ pursuit, this work was supported by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) under funding received from the National Science Foundation DBI-1052875. LL’s post at the University of Aberdeen is supported by the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. Acknowledgements: Thanks to many colleagues (too numerous to name) for discussions over the years which have prompted this paper, but particularly the late Rosamund Snow and Anne-Marie Boylan for initial ideas; Pat Hoddinott, Glenn Robert and Allison Metz for commenting on previous drafts and debating our thinking with us; and our anonymous reviewers. We alone remain responsible for content.



资金细节:通过“共同创造能力”的追求,这项工作得到了国家社会环境综合中心 (SESYNC) 的支持,资金来自国家科学基金会 DBI-1052875。LL 在阿伯丁大学的职位得到苏格兰首席科学家办公室的支持。致谢:感谢许多同事(不胜枚举)多年来促成本文的讨论,尤其是已故的 Rosamund Snow 和 Anne-Marie Boylan 提出的初步想法;Pat Hoddinott、Glenn Robert 和 Allison Metz 对之前的草稿发表评论并与我们讨论我们的想法;和我们的匿名审稿人。我们独自对内容负责。