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The Cochrane Collaboration: institutional analysis of a knowledge commons
Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-14 , DOI: 10.1332/174426417x15057479217899
Peter Heywood 1 , Anne Marie Stephani 2 , Paul Garner 3

Cochrane is an international network that produces and update new knowledge through systematic reviews for the health sector. Knowledge is a shared resource, and can be viewed as a commons. As Cochrane has been in existence for 25 years, we used Elinor Ostrom's theory of the commons and Institutional Analysis and Development Framework to appraise the organization. Our aim was to provide insight into one particular knowledge commons, and to reflect on how this analysis may help Cochrane and its funders improve their strategy and development. An assessment of Cochrane product showed extensive production of systematic reviews, although assuring consistent quality of these reviews is an enduring challenge; there is some restriction of access to the reviews, open access is not yet implemented; and, while permanence of the record is an emerging problem, it has not yet been widely discussed. The assessment of the process showed that the resource, community, and rules-in-use are complex, vary between different groups within Cochrane, and are not well understood. Many of the rules have been informal, and the underlying ethos of volunteerism where reviews get done are important features and constraints to the organization. Like all collective efforts, Cochrane is subject to collective action problems, particularly free-riding and variable commitment, and the under-production of public goods such as internal processes, surveillance of product quality, and procedures for transparent resolution of conflicts.


Cochrane 协作网:知识共享的制度分析

Cochrane 是一个国际网络,通过对卫生部门的系统评价来产生和更新新知识。知识是一种共享资源,可以被视为公共资源。由于 Cochrane 已经存在 25 年,我们使用 Elinor Ostrom 的公地理论和制度分析与发展框架来评估该组织。我们的目标是深入了解一个特定的知识共享,并反思这种分析如何帮助 Cochrane 及其资助者改进他们的战略和发展。Cochrane 产品的评估显示系统评价的广泛生产,尽管确保这些评价的一致质量是一个持久的挑战;对评论的访问有一些限制,开放访问尚未实施;和,虽然记录的永久性是一个新出现的问题,但尚未得到广泛讨论。该过程的评估表明,资源、社区和使用规则很复杂,在 Cochrane 内的不同群体之间有所不同,并且没有得到很好的理解。许多规则都是非正式的,并且完成审查的志愿服务的基本精神是组织的重要特征和约束。与所有集体努力一样,Cochrane 也面临集体行动问题,尤其是搭便车和可变承诺,以及公共产品生产不足,例如内部流程、产品质量监控和透明解决冲突的程序。Cochrane 内的不同群体之间存在差异,并且尚不清楚。许多规则都是非正式的,并且完成审查的志愿服务的基本精神是组织的重要特征和约束。与所有集体努力一样,Cochrane 也面临集体行动问题,尤其是搭便车和可变承诺,以及公共产品生产不足,例如内部流程、产品质量监控和透明解决冲突的程序。Cochrane 内的不同群体之间存在差异,并且尚未得到很好的理解。许多规则都是非正式的,并且完成审查的志愿服务的基本精神是组织的重要特征和约束。与所有集体努力一样,Cochrane 也面临集体行动问题,尤其是搭便车和可变承诺,以及公共产品生产不足,例如内部流程、产品质量监控和透明解决冲突的程序。