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Neogene kinematics of the Giudicarie Belt and eastern Southern Alpine orogenic front (northern Italy)
Solid Earth ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.5194/se-12-1309-2021
Vincent F. Verwater , Eline Le Breton , Mark R. Handy , Vincenzo Picotti , Azam Jozi Najafabadi , Christian Haberland

Neogene indentation of the Adriatic plate into Europe led to major modifications of the Alpine orogenic structures and style of deformation in the Eastern and Southern Alps. The Giudicarie Belt is a prime example of this, as it offsets the entire Alpine orogenic edifice; its activity has been kinematically linked to strike-slip faulting and lateral extrusion of the Eastern Alps. Remaining questions on the exact role of this fold-and-thrust belt in the structure of the Alpine orogen at depth necessitate a quantitative analysis of the shortening, kinematics, and depth of decoupling beneath the Giudicarie Belt and adjacent parts of the Southern Alps. Tectonic balancing of a network of seven cross sections through the Giudicarie Belt parallel to the local NNW–SSE shortening direction reveals that this belt comprises two kinematic domains that accommodated different amounts of shortening during overlapping times. These two domains are separated by the NW–SE-oriented strike-slip Trento-Cles–Schio-Vicenza fault system, which offsets the Southern Alpine orogenic front in the south and merges with the Northern Giudicarie Fault in the north. The SW kinematic domain (Val Trompia sector) accommodated at least  18 km of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene shortening. Since the Middle Miocene, this domain experienced at least  12–22 km shortening, whereas the NE kinematic domain accommodated at least  25–35 km shortening. Together, these domains contributed an estimated minimum of  40–47 km of sinistral strike-slip motion along the Northern Giudicarie Fault, implying that most offset of the Periadriatic Fault is due to Late Oligocene to Neogene indentation of the Adriatic plate into the Eastern Alps. Moreover, the faults linking the Giudicarie Belt with the Northern Giudicarie Fault reach  15–20 km depth, indicating a thick-skinned tectonic style of deformation. These fault detachments may also connect at depth with a lower crustal Adriatic wedge that protruded north of the Periadriatic Fault and are responsible for N–S shortening and eastward, orogen-parallel escape of deeply exhumed units in the Tauern Window. Finally, the E–W lateral variation of shortening across the Giudicarie Belt indicates internal deformation and lateral variation in strength of the Adriatic indenter related to Permian–Mesozoic tectonic structures and paleogeographic zones.


Giudicarie 带和南阿尔卑斯造山带东部(意大利北部)的新近纪运动学

亚得里亚海板块向欧洲的新近纪压痕导致东阿尔卑斯山和南阿尔卑斯山的高山造山构造和变形方式发生重大变化。Giudicarie 带就是一个​​典型的例子,因为它抵消了整个阿尔卑斯造山带;它的活动在运动学上与东阿尔卑斯山的走滑断层和横向挤压有关。关于这条褶皱冲断带在深部阿尔卑斯造山带结构中的确切作用的剩余问题需要对 Giudicarie 带和南阿尔卑斯山相邻部分下的缩短、运动学和解耦深度进行定量分析。平行于局部 NNW-SSE 缩短方向的 Giudicarie 带的七个横截面网络的构造平衡表明,该带包含两个运动域,在重叠时间内适应不同的缩短量。这两个区域被 NW-SE 向的走滑特伦托-克莱斯-斯基奥-维琴察断层系统分隔,该断层系统在南部抵消了南高山造山带,在北部与北朱迪卡里断层合并。SW 运动域(Val Trompia 扇区)至少容纳了大约 18 公里的晚渐新世至早中新世缩短。自中中新世以来,该区域经历了至少 12-22 公里的缩短,而 NE 运动学区域至少经历了 25-35 公里的缩短。一起,这些域 沿北朱迪卡里断层贡献了至少 40-47 公里的左旋走滑运动,这意味着近新世断层的大部分偏移是由于晚渐新世到新近纪亚得里亚海板块向东阿尔卑斯山的压痕. 此外,连接朱迪卡里带和北朱迪卡里断层的断层可达 15-20 公里深度,表明变形的厚皮构造样式。这些断层拆离也可能在深部与下地壳亚得里亚海楔形连接,该楔形物突出于周边断层以北,并导致陶恩窗深部开采单元的 N-S 缩短和向东、平行于造山带的逃逸。最后,Giudicarie 带缩短的 E-W 横向变化表明与二叠纪-中生代构造结构和古地理带相关的亚得里亚海压痕的内部变形和强度横向变化。