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Design of Shock Wave Storage and Test System with Variable Parameters Based on the Sensor of Piezoelectric Circuit
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/5521745
Zhi Li 1

With the wide application of science and technology in the field of weapons, shock wave is an important breakthrough point in weapon research, and the storage and testing system of shock wave is a breakthrough point that people pay most attention to at present. Shock wave data storage has the characteristics of large scale, complex structure, low cost efficiency, and strong timeliness. This paper mainly studies the design of shock wave storage test system with variable parameters based on numerical piezoelectric circuit sensor. Based on fluid dynamics simulation theory and numerical simulation method, the normal and concave-convex three-dimensional models of two pressure measuring devices are constructed by using the flow waveform of calculator, and then, the network is divided. The results show that, under the same inlet pressure, the larger the bulge or depression value, the greater the influence on the experimental results. The influence of disk is 10% higher than that of pen, and the change rate of relative difference is increased by 1.5% with the increase of concave-convex value. Finally, experiments are carried out in different environments to verify the reliability, survivability, and flexibility. The shock wave storage test system is optimized when the parameters of the digital voltage circuit sensor are variable.


