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Gathering local ecological knowledge to augment scientific and management understanding of a living coastal resource: The case of Oregon’s nearshore groundfish trawl fishery
Marine Policy ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104617
Anja J.C. Sjostrom , Lorenzo Ciannelli , Flaxen Conway , W. Waldo Wakefield

Globally, coastal nearshore regions are an intersecting point for human and biological productivity, often serving as hotspots for subsistence, commercial, and recreational fishing activities. Despite this, many nearshore areas remain poorly understood, monitored or managed. This case study examined the nearshore sector of Oregon’s groundfish trawl fishery, which exists in shallow estuarine and continental shelf habitats common along the West Coast of North America; areas that are important for early life history stages of many commercial and recreational fisheries. The West Coast groundfish fishery includes over 90 different species, 40 of which occur within Oregon’s nearshore (here defined as the portion of the shelf extending seaward to a water depth of 200 m). The very shallow portions of the Oregon Coast (the area of the shelf inshore of 55 m) have been subject to limited scientific survey monitoring, and much of the details of the ecology, health, and processes in these habitats remain poorly understood. The utilization of the nearshore region by the commercial groundfish trawl fleet is also minimally documented despite the fact that experiential knowledge (local ecological knowledge [LEK]; trawl logbooks, fish tickets, interviews) exists. This research explored the capacity of capturing LEK sources to inform and enhance understanding of the drivers of effort and the vitality of nearshore fishery resources. Our approach used statistical analysis and mapping of nearshore trawl effort from 1981 to 2017 and gathered semi-structured interviews of intergenerational fishermen to bolster data-poor areas. Insights provided by sampling strategies and historical to current knowledge of access to groundfish assemblages provide informed baselines for future management. Spatial mapping results revealed a decline in trawl effort on the Oregon continental shelf thought time. Logbook and interview data assessment illuminated market and ecological drivers of fishing behavior as well as a unique sector of the groundfish fleet in Oregon: the beach fleet, with unique market and socio-economic challenges. Findings indicate a mixed-methods approach can provide a more thorough assessment of long-term interest in Oregon’s nearshore groundfish fishery. Ensuring better understanding of coastal interfacing regions such as Oregon’s nearshore insights potential for better conservation and utilization of marine resources and improved monitoring in resource limited management contexts.



在全球范围内,沿海近岸地区是人类和生物生产力的交汇点,通常是自给、商业和休闲捕鱼活动的热点。尽管如此,许多近岸地区仍然知之甚少,对其进行监测或管理。本案例研究调查了俄勒冈州底层鱼类拖网渔业的近岸部分,该部分存在于北美西海岸常见的浅口河口和大陆架栖息地;对许多商业和休闲渔业的早期生命历史阶段很重要的区域。西海岸底层鱼类渔业包括 90 多种不同的物种,其中 40 种出现在俄勒冈州的近岸(此处定义为向海延伸至 200 m 水深的陆架部分)。俄勒冈海岸非常浅的部分(55 m 的陆架近海区域)受到的科学调查监测有限,并且对这些栖息地的生态、健康和过程的许多细节仍然知之甚少。尽管存在经验知识(当地生态知识 [LEK];拖网日志、鱼票、访谈),商业底层鱼拖网船队对近岸区域的利用也很少被记录下来。这项研究探索了捕获 LEK 源的能力,以告知和增强对努力的驱动因素和近岸渔业资源活力的理解。我们的方法使用了 1981 年至 2017 年近岸拖网作业的统计分析和绘图,并收集了代际渔民的半结构化访谈,以支持数据匮乏的地区。采样策略提供的见解和获取底层鱼类组合的历史和当前知识为未来的管理提供了明智的基线。空间测绘结果显示,在俄勒冈大陆架思考时间拖网捕捞的努力有所下降。日志和访谈数据评估阐明了捕鱼行为的市场和生态驱动因素,以及俄勒冈底层鱼类船队的一个独特部门:海滩船队,面临着独特的市场和社会经济挑战。调查结果表明,混合方法可以更全面地评估俄勒冈州近岸底层鱼类渔业的长期利益。
