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The status of California yellowtail Seriola dorsalis as a commercially ready species for marine U.S. aquaculture
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1111/jwas.12808
Federico Rotman 1 , Kevin Stuart 1 , Constance Silbernagel 1 , Mark Drawbridge 1

California yellowtail (CYT; Seriola dorsalis) is a promising candidate for marine aquaculture in the United States because there is an existing market and cultured Seriola spp. command prices as high as $27.70 per kg for head-on gutted product. Methods for commercial-scale Seriola spp. fingerling production and growout have been refined globally in recent years. Spawning can be accomplished without hormone therapy and adults spawn viable eggs when ambient water temperatures are between 15 and 22°C. Larval culture of CYT includes rotifers and Artemia, with the addition of greenwater. Larval survival to 1 g juveniles (45 days post hatch) is typically high at 30–60%. However, poor swim bladder inflation and skeletal malformations require culling and can reduce this yield substantially. Growout of CYT to market size at Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute (HSWRI) has been completed on a very limited basis in flow through tanks where it takes 18–24 months to achieve a market weight of 3.5–4.0 kg. While culture of this species is commercially ready from a technical and business perspective, research is still needed to improve swim bladder inflation, reduce deformities, optimize nutrition across all life stages, and assist with disease diagnosis and control. Most notable among bottlenecks to commercialization in the United States is the need for growout capacity both for net pen and land-based culture.



加利福尼亚黄尾鰤(CYT;Seriola dorsalis)是美国海水养殖的一个有前途的候选者,因为有一个现有的市场和养殖的Seriola spp。正面去内脏产品的命令价格高达每公斤 27.70 美元。商业规模Seriola属的方法。近年来,鱼种生产和养成在全球范围内得到了改进。无需激素治疗即可完成产卵,当环境水温在 15 至 22°C 之间时,成鱼会产卵。CYT的幼虫培养包括轮虫和卤虫, with the addition of greenwater. Larval survival to 1 g juveniles (45 days post hatch) is typically high at 30–60%. However, poor swim bladder inflation and skeletal malformations require culling and can reduce this yield substantially. Growout of CYT to market size at Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute (HSWRI) has been completed on a very limited basis in flow through tanks where it takes 18–24 months to achieve a market weight of 3.5–4.0 kg. While culture of this species is commercially ready from a technical and business perspective, research is still needed to improve swim bladder inflation, reduce deformities, optimize nutrition across all life stages, and assist with disease diagnosis and control. Most notable among bottlenecks to commercialization in the United States is the need for growout capacity both for net pen and land-based culture.