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A novel approach for the biological control of invasive Bagrada bugs with entomopathogenic nematodes
Journal of Pest Science ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10340-021-01400-4
Gabriela Lankin , Alejandra Santiagos , Milagros Hermosilla , Erwin Aballay , Ernesto San-Blas

The Bagrada bug, Bagrada hilaris Burmeister (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), an invasive pest of Palearctic origin, has become a problem in the Western Hemisphere, attacking brassica and other crops. The Bagrada bug was first reported in Chile in 2016, and despite the availability of some efficacious synthetic insecticides, B. hilaris is a growing problem. Currently, few international studies have been performed regarding the biological control of B. hilaris. However, entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are potential candidates, as they cause mortality to other pentatomids. Of the six native Chilean EPN isolates, Steinernema feltiae CH4 caused the highest mortality in B. hilaris adults (97.5%). In a second assay, the mortality of B. hilaris adults increased with higher doses and extension of the post-application time of this isolate, with 96.9 and 100% at 96 and 120 h after application, respectively. A probit analysis indicated that the lethal dose 50% (LD50) dropped from 60.7 to 4.4 IJ/insect at 48 and 168 h, respectively. In a semifield study, a single application of this EPN with an adjuvant achieved approximately 60% mortality of the bugs after 480 h on rocket plants, and the damage to leaves was significantly lower (29%) than the damage to leaves of control plants (54.3%). These novel results represent progress in the use of EPNs for the control of foliage pests and are also the first approach of successful control of B. hilaris with EPNs in any crop. Further field studies will allow the development of integrated pest management programmes using EPNs as biological control agents for B. hilaris populations.


一种用昆虫病原线虫生物防治侵入性 Bagrada 臭虫的新方法

Bagrada 臭虫Bagrada hilaris Burmeister(半翅目:Pentatomidae)是一种起源于古北的入侵害虫,已成为西半球的一个问题,攻击芸苔属植物和其他作物。Bagrada 臭虫于 2016 年在智利首次报道,尽管有一些有效的合成杀虫剂,但B. hilaris是一个日益严重的问题。目前,很少有国际上关于B. hilaris生物防治的研究。然而,昆虫病原线虫 (EPN) 是潜在的候选者,因为它们会导致其他五线虫死亡。在六个本地智利 EPN 分离株中,Steinernema Feeliae CH4 在B. hilaris 中引起的死亡率最高成人(97.5%)。在第二个试验中,B. hilaris成虫的死亡率随着该分离株的更高剂量和应用后时间的延长而增加,在应用后 96 小时和 120 小时分别为 96.9% 和 100%。概率分析表明,致死剂量 50% (LD50) 分别在 48 小时和 168 小时从 60.7 IJ/昆虫下降到 4.4 IJ/昆虫。在半田间研究中,在火箭植物上 480 小时后,单次施用这种带有佐剂的 EPN 可实现约 60% 的虫子死亡率,并且对叶子的损害(29%)显着低于对照植物对叶子的损害(29%)。 54.3%)。这些新结果代表了使用 EPN 控制叶面害虫的进展,也是成功控制B. hilaris的第一种方法在任何作物中使用 EPN。进一步的实地研究将允许开发使用 EPN 作为B. hilaris种群的生物控制剂的综合害虫管理计划。
