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Health and safety improvement in construction projects: a lean construction approach
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2021.1942648
Yazan Issa Abu Aisheh 1 , Bassam A Tayeh 2 , Wesam Salah Alaloul 3 , Ali Almalki 4

Objectives. Lean construction techniques have been considered an effective approach and strategy to reduce accidents in construction projects. This article aims to investigate the application of the lean construction principle and its impact on occupational health and safety. Methods. To achieve the aim, an analytical descriptive method was used. The data were collected through a questionnaire, with 70 respondents who were chosen using a random stratified sample method. The questionnaire evaluated the perception of contractors and consultants about the important lean construction factors and their impact on construction project safety. Results. There is an agreement that the application of lean construction techniques can be impeded by challenges like lack of lean construction knowledge, complexity, misconception about lean construction and difficulties in changing employees. Conclusions. The study identified strategies that could be used to address these challenges that will improve the safety of construction projects. These include enlightenment on benefits of the lean practice, publication of improvements realized from lean practice, training, workers’ involvement and empowerment, persistence, robust planning and gradual implementation.



目标。精益施工技术已被认为是减少建筑项目事故的有效方法和策略。本文旨在调查精益施工原则的应用及其对职业健康和安全的影响。方法。为了实现这一目标,使用了分析描述方法。数据是通过问卷收集的,使用随机分层抽样方法选择了 70 名受访者。调查问卷评估了承包商和顾问对重要的精益施工因素及其对建设项目安全影响的看法。结果。人们一致认为,精益施工技术的应用可能会受到诸如缺乏精益施工知识、复杂性、对精益施工的误解以及更换员工困难等挑战的阻碍。结论。该研究确定了可用于应对这些挑战的策略,这些策略将提高建筑项目的安全性。这些包括对精益实践的好处的启发、发布从精益实践中实现的改进、培训、工人的参与和授权、坚持、稳健的计划和逐步实施。
