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„Alles ist in Gott“ – Überlegungen zur bestimmenden theologischen Denkform des Corpus Hermeticum
Philologus ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1515/phil-2020-0126
Benedikt Krämer 1

Given the Corpus Hermeticum ’s history of formation, it has prompted the attempt to separate layers or groups of writings within the collection of treatises. This process of division, which was for the most part undertaken on criteria of content (dualism, pantheism, etc.), has been viewed rather negatively by the more recent research, on grounds of method. Given the discovery of numerous doctrinal contents that remain constant across different treatises, increased efforts are being made to reconstruct the Corpus ’s moments of unity. The present paper aims, in this spirit, to provide a more precise identification of the overarching forms of theological thought in the Hermetic writings. The reflections that follow aim to make it plausible that the defining form of theological thought in the Corpus Hermeticum can be classified as panentheism. In addition, the distinctive form of this influential theological paradigm in the Hermetic writings will be considered.


“Gott 的 Allesist” – Überlegungen zur bestimmenden theologischen Denkform des Corpus Hermeticum

鉴于 Corpus Hermeticum 的形成历史,它促使人们尝试在论文集内分离层或组的著作。这种划分过程主要是根据内容标准(二元论、泛神论等)进行的,但最近的研究基于方法而对此持否定态度。鉴于发现了许多在不同论文中保持不变的教义内容,正在加大努力来重建 Corpus 的统一时刻。本着这种精神,本文旨在更准确地识别赫尔墨斯著作中神学思想的总体形式。接下来的思考旨在使《赫耳墨斯语料库》中神学思想的定义形式可以归类为泛神论是合理的。