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La Theoxenia Eleusina di Fasti 4.503‒62: Alcune considerazioni sulle fonti e sui caratteri distintivi del testo ovidiano
Philologus ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1515/phil-2020-0127
Luciano Pasquali 1

The two versions of the myth of Ceres and Proserpina produced by Ovid at Fasti 4.417‒618 and Metamorphoses 5.341–661 have played an exceptionally important role for the knowledge and transmission of this episode in Western culture, from an anthropological and religious point of view but above all from an artistic and literary one. Nonetheless, the complexity of the two texts still confronts modern readers with questions and points to investigate. The present article, devoted specifically to the episode of the divine hospitality of Celeus at Fast. 4.503–62, examines Ovid’s use of the narrative pattern of θεοξενία with particular reference to its models, lexicon, literary paradigms, intertextuality and the author’s self-referentiality. The starting-point and premise of the study is a re-examination of Ovid’s sources, which is followed by an analysis of the modes of rewriting the myth; finally, some singular details will be highlighted that are present in the text of the Fasti , which could be assigned an intent that is defamiliarising and ironic, if not downright parodistic.


La Theoxenia Eleusina di Fasti 4.503‒62:Alcune Considerazioni sulle fonti e sui caratteri distintivi del testo ovidiano

奥维德在 Fasti 4.417-618 和 Metamorphoses 5.341-661 制作的 Ceres 和 Proserpina 神话的两个版本,从人类学和宗教的角度来看,对于这一事件在西方文化中的知识和传播起到了极其重要的作用,但是最重要的是来自艺术和文学。尽管如此,这两部文本的复杂性仍然使现代读者面临着需要研究的问题和要点。这篇文章专门讲述了塞勒斯在斋戒时的热情款待。4.503-62,检查了奥维德对 θεοξενία 的叙事模式的使用,特别参考了它的模型、词典、文学范式、互文性和作者的自我指涉。研究的出发点和前提是重新审视 Ovid 的资料来源,其次是对神话改写方式的分析;最后,将突出显示 Fasti 文本中存在的一些奇异细节,如果不是彻头彻尾的模仿,这些细节可能会被赋予陌生和讽刺的意图。