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COVID-19 and necessity-based online entrepreneurship education at US community colleges
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1108/jsbed-09-2020-0340
Eric W. Liguori , Christoph Winkler , Lee J. Zane , Jeff Muldoon , Doan Winkel


This paper explores community college entrepreneurship education's near-instantaneous transition to online course delivery following the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.


Primary data were obtained from 92 community college entrepreneurship faculty via online survey in late March of 2020, right at the time faculty were required to transition their courses to an online mode of delivery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected in partnership with the National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurship Education Project.


While the majority of community college entrepreneurship educators have taught online previously, many were not familiar with exemplar education technology tools and applications, demonstrating an opportunity for continued professional development. To deliver courses online, educators primarily relied on pre-recorded lectures and using Zoom as the technology platform of choice. Last, there were significant faculty concerns about their ability to effectively create an “experiential” classroom virtually for students to learn and practice entrepreneurship.


This is the first paper investigating how community college entrepreneurship educators responded to one of the most disruptive events to ever impact entrepreneurship education (viz. the COVID-19 pandemic). More broadly, this is also one of very few studies exploring both (1) community college entrepreneurship education and (2) how unexpected crises (e.g. natural disasters, pandemics) impact educational environments.


美国社区大学的 COVID-19 和基于必要性的在线创业教育


本文探讨了 2020 年 COVID-19 大流行之后社区大学创业教育近乎即时地过渡到在线课程交付。


主要数据是在 2020 年 3 月下旬通过在线调查从 92 名社区大学创业教师那里获得的,当时由于 COVID-19 大流行,教师需要将他们的课程转换为在线授课方式。数据是与全国社区大学创业协会和创业教育项目合作收集的。


虽然大多数社区大学创业教育工作者之前都曾在网上授课,但许多人并不熟悉示范教育技术工具和应用程序,这展示了持续专业发展的机会。为了在线提供课程,教育工作者主要依靠预先录制的讲座并使用 Zoom 作为首选技术平台。最后,教师们非常担心他们能否有效地创建一个虚拟的“体验式”课堂,让学生学习和实践创业精神。


这是第一篇研究社区大学创业教育者如何应对影响创业教育的最具破坏性事件(即 COVID-19 大流行)的论文。更广泛地说,这也是探索 (1) 社区大学创业教育和 (2) 意外危机(例如自然灾害、流行病)如何影响教育环境的极少数研究之一。
