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Redistributing surplus food
Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2021-06-15 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3502_7.x

Lindsay Boswell of FareShare describes the impact of the pandemic on the redistribution of surplus food in the UK and the measures the charity has adopted to help farmers, growers and producers achieve environmental targets by reducing food waste.

2020 was a year when people were reminded of their most basic needs. As the Government grappled with how to deal with the pandemic, entire industries collapsed. Previously unthinkable measures were taken to save lives, and as a result, economic stability was dramatically shaken. Jobs and security that had previously been taken for granted vanished practically instantaneously. Entire swathes of the population became immobile through vulnerability. Millions of people across the UK were forced into a position where they did not know when they would receive their next meal.

As a direct result of this, FareShare, the largest food redistribution charity in the UK, found our services in more demand than they have been in our 27-year history. We were founded on the belief that no good food should go to waste, especially when people are going hungry. We operate by redistributing surplus food to our network of 11,000 charities across the United Kingdom. We do this through our 25 regional centres, as well as through the FareShare Go app, that connects participating supermarkets directly with charities and community organisations. Given our size and experience, we have been determined to play our part in the UK's pandemic response and to ensure that food has continued to reach those in need.



FareShare 的 Lindsay Boswell 描述了大流行对英国剩余食物重新分配的影响,以及该慈善机构为通过减少食物浪费来帮助农民、种植者和生产者实现环境目标所采取的措施

2020 年是提醒人们最基本需求的一年。随着政府努力应对大流行,整个行业都崩溃了。采取了以前难以想象的措施来挽救生命,结果,经济稳定受到了极大的动摇。以前被视为理所当然的工作和安全几乎立即消失了。由于脆弱性,整个人口都变得一动不动。英国数百万人被迫陷入不知道下一顿饭什么时候吃的境地。

作为这一点的直接结果,英国最大的食品再分配慈善机构 FareShare 发现,我们的服务比我们 27 年的历史还要多。我们的信念是,好的食物不应该浪费,尤其是当人们挨饿的时候。我们的运营方式是将剩余食物重新分配给我们遍布英国的 11,000 个慈善机构网络。我们通过我们的 25 个区域中心以及 FareShare Go 应用程序来实现这一目标,该应用程序将参与的超市与慈善机构和社区组织直接联系起来。鉴于我们的规模和经验,我们已决心在英国的大流行应对中发挥我们的作用,并确保食物继续送达有需要的人手中。
