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Artificial rainfall experiment involving seeding of liquid carbon dioxide at Karatsu in Saga
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.d-17-00002
Taichi MAKI 1, 2 , Koji NISHIYAMA 3 , Osamu MORITA 4 , Yoshinori SUZUKI 2 , Kenji WAKIMIZU 5

Th e purposes of this research were to increase artificial rainfall and evaluate the area affected by artificial rainfall. The experiment involved the seeding of liquid carbon dioxide at a height of 2500 m with a seeding rate of 11.1 g/s for 6 min around Karatsu, Saga, Japan on Dec. 26, 2013. The height of the cloud increased significantly, and a virga was observed under the cloud bottom at 2100 m at 30 min after the seeding. The cloud top of the previous seeding cloud was at 3350 m, the cloud bottom was at 2100 m, and the cloud depth was 1250 m. The cloud top after 30 min was at 3500 m, the cloud bottom was at 2100 m, the cloud depth was 1400 m, and the depth had increased by 150 m. The wind direction and speed around the seeding time at 3050 m were WSW and 13.9 m/s, respectively. At 1 h after the seeding, artificial clouds around Fukutsu and Munakata were clearly recognized, and after 1 h 30 min the clouds were around Kitakyushu. The final distance affected by artificial clouds was over 100 km after 2 h. The artificial rainfall (precipitation) amounts at Munakata, Yahata, and Shimonoseki were estimated to be 1.0, 1.0, and 0.5 mm, respectively. The amounts of artificial and natural rainfall or water resources were both estimated to be 0.15 million tons each after 2 h. The estimation of artificial rainfall by radar echo and the surface rainfall agreed well with each other. The artificial rainfall was observed at a target region and the amount of rainfall ultimately increased.



本研究的目的是增加人工降雨并评估受人工降雨影响的区域。实验内容为 2013 年 12 月 26 日在日本佐贺市唐津附近以 11.1 g/s 的速度在 2500 m 高度播撒液态二氧化碳,持续 6 分钟。播种后30分钟,在云底2100米处观察到处女座。上次播种云的云顶为 3350 m,云底为 2100 m,云深为 1250 m。30分钟后云顶3500m,云底2100m,云深1400m,深度增加150m。3 050 m 左右播种时间的风向和风速分别为 WSW 和 13.9 m/s。播种后 1 h,福津和宗像周围的人造云清晰可见,1 小时 30 分钟后,云在北九州周围。2小时后,人工云影响的最终距离超过100公里。宗像、八幡和下关的人工降雨(降水)量分别估计为 1.0、1.0 和 0.5 毫米。2 小时后,人工和自然降雨量或水资源量均估计为 15 万吨。雷达回波估算人工降雨与地表降雨吻合较好。在目标区域观测到人工降雨,最终降雨量增加。宗像、八幡和下关的人工降雨(降水)量分别估计为 1.0、1.0 和 0.5 毫米。2 小时后,人工和自然降雨量或水资源量均估计为 15 万吨。雷达回波估算人工降雨与地表降雨吻合较好。在目标区域观测到人工降雨,最终降雨量增加。宗像、八幡和下关的人工降雨(降水)量分别估计为 1.0、1.0 和 0.5 毫米。2 小时后,人工和自然降雨量或水资源量均估计为 15 万吨。雷达回波估算人工降雨与地表降雨吻合较好。在目标区域观测到人工降雨,最终降雨量增加。