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Review: Globalizing the Caribbean: political economy, social change, and the Transnational Capitalist Class by Jeb Sprague
Race & Class ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-26 , DOI: 10.1177/0306396819871415
Jerry Harris

the differences that separate human beings’). Following a second period of significant penal reform in the Obama years (Bill Clinton was not interested in any policies that could be seen as being soft on crime), these conservative ideas have returned with a vengeance, forming a bedrock on which Donald Trump is constructing a renewed and expanding law and order state, which goes way beyond his wild crackdown on migrants. In a telling passage, Platt compares increasing restrictions on abortion (heavily supported by fundamentalist vice-president Pence) with the growing liberalisation of gun laws. In conclusion, Tony Platt proposes reforms based on the demands of the 1970s, including closing of juvenile prisons, ending the racial and class double standards of arrests, trials and imprisonment, restoring voting rights to the 2.2 million people (largely black, many in electorally key states like Florida) who have felony convictions, elimination of financial ability as a condition of bail, and abolition of the death penalty. That such reforms are much less likely under the present regime only underlines the importance of Platt’s magisterial analysis of how the carceral state came about.


评论:加勒比全球化:政治经济、社会变革和跨国资本家阶级 作者 Jeb Sprague

区分人类的差异')。在奥巴马时代第二次重大的刑事改革之后(比尔·克林顿对任何可以被视为对犯罪软弱的政策都不感兴趣),这些保守的思想卷土重来,形成了唐纳德·特朗普正在构建的基石一个更新和扩大的法律和秩序国家,这远远超出了他对移民的疯狂镇压。在一段有说服力的文章中,普拉特将越来越多的堕胎限制(得到原教旨主义副总统彭斯的大力支持)与枪支法的日益自由化进行了比较。总之,托尼普拉特根据 1970 年代的要求提出了改革建议,包括关闭少年监狱,结束逮捕、审判和监禁的种族和阶级双重标准,恢复 2 人的投票权。200 万人(主要是黑人,许多在佛罗里达州等选举关键的州)被判重罪,作为保释条件的经济能力被取消,并废除了死刑。在目前的体制下,这种改革的可能性要小得多,这仅突显了普拉特对监狱状态如何产生的权威分析的重要性。