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The ‘Channel Crossings’ and the borders of Britain
Race & Class ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-02 , DOI: 10.1177/0306396819892467
Joseph Maggs

Since November 2018, a small but increased number of migrants have risked their lives attempting to cross the waters of the English Channel from northern France to reach Britain. Throughout and alongside the final protracted phase of the Brexit process, governing politicians, backed by an uncritical media, have framed these crossings as a threat to British border sovereignty that can only be repelled by ramping up border security. This article argues that the construction of the Channel Crossings as a ‘Border Spectacle’ is an ideological operation that deflects attention away from the UK-French border-zone, which constitutes an extended transnational hostile environment that is, in large part, responsible for producing the conditions of the ‘new migrant crisis’ at Britain’s southeastern land-sea border.



自 2018 年 11 月以来,一小部分但越来越多的移民冒着生命危险试图从法国北部穿越英吉利海峡到达英国。在英国脱欧进程的最后一个漫长阶段期间,在不加批判的媒体的支持下,执政的政客们将这些过境点视为对英国边境主权的威胁,只有通过加强边境安全才能消除这种威胁。本文认为,将海峡口岸建设为“边境奇观”是一种意识形态操作,将注意力从英法边境地区转移开,英法边境地区构成了一个延伸的跨国敌对环境,在很大程度上负责产生英国东南部陆海边界“新移民危机”的状况。