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Existential Care in a Modern Society: Pastoral Care Consultations in Local Communities in Norway
International Journal of Practical Theology ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ijpt-2020-0027
Lars Johan Danbolt 1 , Hetty Zock 2 , Anne Austad 3 , Anne Hege Grung 4 , Hans Stifoss-Hanssen 5

Data from a recent survey on pastoral care consultations (PCC) in Norway (N=408) is presented, showing that PCC is a service priests and deacons provide for people in the municipality, independent of faith affiliation. The most common PCC themes regarded mental and social distress, such as grief, conflicts, and loneliness. Furthermore, illness-related themes were prominent, and a specter of religious and moral issues. We discuss the results in the context of ongoing changes and reforms in both church and health care, and point at possible health promoting dimensions of PCC as existential assistance in the space between personal network support and public health care.



提供了最近在挪威 (N=408) 进行的牧民关怀咨询 (PCC) 调查的数据,表明 PCC 是神父和执事为该市人民提供的服务,与宗教信仰无关。最常见的 PCC 主题是心理和社会压力,例如悲伤、冲突和孤独。此外,与疾病相关的主题很突出,并且是宗教和道德问题的幽灵。我们在教会和医疗保健正在进行的变革和改革的背景下讨论结果,并指出 PCC 可能的健康促进维度作为个人网络支持和公共医疗保健之间空间中的生存援助。