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Women in science: a son’s perspective
Journal of Neurogenetics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-12 , DOI: 10.1080/01677063.2021.1940171
Dustin J Sokolowski 1, 2


I am often asked how our mother inspired my sister Moriah and me to want to become scientists. She never directly suggested we should go down that path. Instead, she shared the aspects of the natural world, that she loved, with us while keeping the non-science aspects of her job separate from our lives at home. Now, I have learned that her perspective provides insights that spark innovative discoveries, some of which challenged the status quo. Her passion for research has allowed her to pursue what she believes to be worth studying. Her personality and collaborative nature allow her to be teased at home, facilitate a room of diverse opinions, and command a hall of hundreds of people. Her respect for those around her is inspiring. My mom's trust in her trainees and collaborators allows her to answer questions that could fundamentally not be answered had she pigeonholed herself to a single field. She managed to accomplish everything while being nothing other than my mom to me, and I am so glad that I am growing into a person who can truly appreciate the woman she is to everyone else.




经常有人问我,我们的母亲是如何激励我和姐姐 Moriah 想成为科学家的。她从未直接建议我们应该走那条路。相反,她与我们分享了她所爱的自然世界的各个方面,同时将她工作的非科学方面与我们的家庭生活分开。现在,我了解到她的观点提供了激发创新发现的见解,其中一些挑战了现状。她对研究的热情使她能够追求她认为值得学习的东西。她的个性和协作天性使她能够在家里被取笑,在一个有不同意见的房间里提供便利,并指挥数百人的大厅。她对周围人的尊重令人鼓舞。我的妈妈' 她对她的学员和合作者的信任让她能够回答如果她将自己归类到一个领域的话根本无法回答的问题。她成功地完成了一切,而对我来说除了妈妈之外什么都不是,我很高兴我正在成长为一个能够真正欣赏她在其他人眼中的女人的人。
