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Linkage between autumn sea ice loss and ensuing spring Eurasian temperature
Climate Dynamics ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s00382-021-05839-0
Shuoyi Ding , Bingyi Wu

This study investigated the relationship between East Siberian-Chukchi-Beaufort (EsCB) sea ice concentration (SIC) anomaly in the early autumn (September–October, SO) and northern Eurasian surface temperature (Ts) variability in the early spring (March–April, MA). Results reveal that the early autumn sea ice decrease in the EsCB Seas excites an Arctic anticyclonic anomaly in the lower troposphere in the early spring, leading to cold anomalies over central Russia. The mean temperature over central Russia drops by nearly 0.8 °C, and the probability of cold anomalies increases by about 30% when the EsCB SIC reduces by one standard deviation. As responses to SO EsCB sea ice loss, atmospheric anomalies of the planetary wave 2 dominate the Arctic since October–November (ON) and are in phase with the climatological mean in the troposphere. This in-phase resonance produces much more wave energy propagating into the lower stratosphere and generates an EP flux convergence anomaly in December–January (DJ), then decelerating the zonal westerly winds. One month later (January–February, JF), the attenuation of the polar vortex reaches the peak and propagates downward into the troposphere in the next 2 months with two major branches. One branch is located in Greenland and induces a zonal wave train from the North Atlantic to eastern Eurasia. Another branch is to maintain the anticyclonic anomaly in low-level over the Arctic. This configuration of atmospheric circulation anomalies provides favorable conditions for the southward invasion of Arctic cold air and makes northern Eurasia experience a colder early spring.



本研究调查了早秋(9 月至 10 月,SO)的东西伯利亚-楚科奇-博福特 (EsCB) 海冰浓度 (SIC) 异常与早春(3 月至 4 月)欧亚北部地表温度 (Ts) 变化之间的关系。 , 嘛)。结果表明,EsCB 海的早秋海冰减少在早春激发了北极对流层低层的反气旋异常,导致俄罗斯中部的寒冷异常。俄罗斯中部平均气温下降近0.8°C,当EsCB SIC降低1个标准差时,出现冷异常的概率增加约30%。作为对 SO EscB 海冰损失的响应,行星波 2 的大气异常自 10 月至 11 月(ON)以来主导了北极,并且与对流层的气候平均值同相。这种同相共振产生更多的波能传播到平流层下部,并在 12 月至 1 月 (DJ) 产生 EP 通量收敛异常,然后使纬向西风减速。一个月后(1-2 月,JF),极地涡旋衰减达到峰值,并在接下来的 2 个月内以两个主要分支向下传播到对流层。一个分支位于格陵兰岛,并引发从北大西洋到欧亚大陆东部的纬向波列。另一个分支是维持北极低层反气旋异常。这种大气环流异常配置为北极冷空气南侵提供了有利条件,使欧亚大陆北部经历了更冷的早春。
