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A robust integrated logistics model for age-based multi-group platelets in disaster relief operations
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2021.102371
Afshin Kamyabniya , Zohre Noormohammadzadeh , Antoine Sauré , Jonathan Patrick

In Disaster Relief Operations (DRO), very often a lack of integration of the blood supply chain results in increased costs and higher blood shortage levels. This paper proposes a fully integrated logistics network that allows blood regional units, hospitals, and temporary emergency shelters to share multi-type platelets in both horizontal and vertical manner. This model not only allocates multi-type platelets to patients according to ABO/Rh(d)-compatible blood substitutions but also considers a three-layer logistics network for platelets that accounts for the impact of the age of the platelets on the suitability for different types of injuries. To efficiently solve the model and generate a Pareto front for large-scale instances of the problem, and multiple scenarios, we employ Lagrangian relaxation and the augmented ε-constraint method. Finally, to evaluate the performance of the proposed solution approach and derive practical insights, we apply it to a case study based on data about a possible earthquake in Tehran, Iran, and conduct some sensitivity analysis.



在救灾行动 (DRO) 中,血液供应链缺乏整合通常会导致成本增加和血液短缺程度更高。本文提出了一个完全整合的物流网络,允许血液区域单位、医院和临时应急避难所在横向和纵向上共享多类型血小板。该模型不仅根据 ABO/Rh(d) 相容的血液替代为患者分配多类型血小板,而且考虑了血小板的三层物流网络,考虑了血小板年龄对不同血型的适用性的影响。类型的伤害。为了有效地求解模型并为问题的大规模实例和多个场景生成帕累托前沿,我们采用拉格朗日松弛和增强ε- 约束方法。最后,为了评估所提出的解决方法的性能并获得实用的见解,我们将其应用于基于伊朗德黑兰可能发生地震的数据的案例研究,并进行了一些敏感性分析。
